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A few years ago, I was in Vegas having dinner with Nick Daniel from VShred when he said something that nearly made me fall to the floor.

I simply asked Nick…

“How many copywriters do you guys have on your team right now?”

Nick’s answer?

“Just me”

I remember being stunned.

These guys were doing probably 80 million a year in sales at the time.

And somehow Nick was the only writer.

Nick explained that they were trying to find more writers…

But all the ones they tested weren’t good enough.

So Nick kept writing the copy himself.

Well luckily for Nick, right around this time is when Stefan and I started our copy coaching program.

And we suggested to Nick that he give a few of the writers we trained a try.

“They all follow my RMBC method, so you’ll be in good hands” Stefan said.

Nick was a little skeptical…

And rightfully so after being burned so many times.

However, that little conversation we had at dinner turned out to be a gamechanger for VShred.


Because a few of the writers they hired from our group wound up writing winning VSL’s that VShred was able to scale to 1000-2000 sales a day.

And because those offers scaled so well, VShred skyrocketed to a $300 million dollar company!

Which is nuts…

But here’s what I find even more interesting…

After seeing how well the VSL’s converted that our members wrote…

VShred implemented a new policy for all their future copywriters…

Anyone writing copy for VShred had to write their VSL using the RMBC method!


Because they saw how well it worked.

And they didn’t want to deviate from it.

They struck gold with writers using the RMBC method…

So VShred went all-in on RMBC and made it mandatory to use it if you want to write for them.

For me this is just a testament to how well the RMBC method works.

If a company like VShred is not only using it…

But mandating it…

You know it works.

Which brings me to the point of this email…

I’ve been telling you all week about the special Thanksgiving sale that Stefan Georgi has going for the RMBC method right now.

Well that sale ends tonight at 11:59 PM PT.

Usually RMBC is $997…

And at that price it’s a steal…

But for a few more hours instead of paying $997, you can try it out for just $97 (and pay the rest at a later date).

This way you’ll get to see if you like it…

And then you can keep it if you see the value in it.

So if that interests you…

Then I suggest you snag a copy of RMBC while it’s still on sale.

I’ve personally seen copywriters like Randall Pruitt use RMBC to make over $40k in a month…

Or newbie copywriters like Michael Rochin who went from nothing to making $12k a month…

Or offer owners like VShred and Steve Gunn who have used RMBC to scale their offers to 1000+ sales a day.

This all happened because they followed RMBC.

Which is why I’m such a huge believer in it.

So if you don’t have the course yet…

I suggest you grab a copy before the sale ends in just a few hours.

Once the sale ends, the price goes back to $997.

But if you get it before then…

You can get it for just $97 upfront (and you pay the rest at a later date).

I think it’s a no-brainer…

So I hope you take advantage of the sale today.

All the details for the sale and the course are on this page right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.