A very charged (and amusing) email came into my inbox after the call I hosted yesterday…
What a surprise, a bunch of woo-woo talk about money followed by some thinly veiled content and a pitch to buy something.
It’d be nice if you actually provided some value
Oh boy…
I learned a long time ago that it’s best to ignore people like this.
Cause in my experience the people who complain the most are almost always broke, unhappy and filled with anger.
So instead of actually learning something…
Or putting their head down and working…
What do they do instead?
Complaining is like a hobby to them…
So you might work on cars…
Or do yoga as a hobby…
But this guy’s hobby is complaining.
It’s what he likes to do.
What’s funny is that while he was complaining and stewing in his own anger…
I jotted down 3 different things from the call that I know will make me money in the future…
One of them was from Ron Lynch about how the richest people think about money…
One was from Jordan Hall about getting a % of a deal simply for being a connector…
And the other was from Marcus Anderson about using “empathy” in email copy (something I already knew, but a great reminder nonetheless)…
All three of these ideas will make me money at some point.
So even though I’ve been in the online marketing game for 20 years…
And even though I’ve turned myself into a multi-millionaire through marketing…
I still got a lot of value from this call.
Which just goes to show you it’s all about what you CHOOSE to see.
If you choose to see the negative…
And you choose to complain…
You’re gonna miss out on a lot of valuable insights.
You don’t want that.
You want to always be on the hunt for the gold in everything.
That’s what makes you a better marketer.
And what pushes you to the top.
Find the gold in everything.
– Justin