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I don’t want to sound like Dr. Doom, but I believe a lot of people in the copywriting and direct response space are gonna struggle in 2024.


Two words…

The economy.

The truth is we are not in the “boom” that we were in a few years ago.

From 2019-2021 people didn’t think twice about pulling out their credit card and buying something…

But today?

They’re a lot more hesitant.

And that’s not just my thoughts…

That’s what I’m hearing from numerous 8 and 9-figure direct response businesses (in multiple niches)…

Making a sale today is harder than it was a few years ago…

And I believe that’s going to get worse in 2024.


Cause the economy is on shaky grounds.

The cost of everything from groceries to rent to healthcare keeps going up…

Student loan payments are being restarted…

Companies are laying people off and trying to run leaner.

So the overall result of all of this is that people are spending less.

And when people spend less, it affects you and I.

So if you’re trying to sell a supplement…

Or a course…

Or a coaching program…

That sale is going to be harder than it was a few years ago.

So whether you have your own business…

Or you’re a copywriter who writes for other businesses…

I think 2024 is going to be tough sledding for most people.

Especially if you’re part of the “middle class” of the direct response world.

That’s who I think is gonna bear the brunt of this.

Now I know that sounds like a lot of doom and gloom…

And like there’s no hope…

But I don’t believe that’s the case.

Cause I also believe there will be a bunch of copywriters and marketers that will move up and prosper during this time as well.

Cause even though things will be tough for others…

That doesn’t mean you can’t go from $10k a month to $40k a month…

Or from $20k a month to $60k a month…

There’s plenty of offer owners and freelancers that will do that. 

I’ve done it myself…

And I’ve seen it happen over and over again with people I’ve coached.

So the opportunity to take a big leap in 2024 is there for you…

You just need the right plan…

And the right things to focus on to make it happen.

Obviously you can try to figure this out on your own…

Or if you want some experts guiding you on what to do, I’d suggest you try to snag one of the spots for the private mastermind Dan Ferrari and I are hosting this December in Sayulita, Mexico…

Over the course of 5 days we’re going to help you dial-in exactly what you need to do in 2024 to double or triple your income…

That might be growing your business…

It could be getting away from client work and starting your own offer…

It could be landing bigger clients and putting better rev-share deals in place…

Whatever it is, we’re gonna dig into everything going on in your business…

And show you how to level that up so that in 2024 you’re making the kind of money you want…

And you’re living the kind of life you’ve always dreamed of.

That’s our goal.

And of me writing this email, 4 of the 6 spots at the mastermind are already spoken for.

So that means we only have 2 spots left…

So if you’re interested in making 2024 your best year ever with Dan and I helping you… 

Simply check out this Google Doc

And see if the Sayulita mastermind is a fit for you.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.