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One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is they don’t prioritize the profitable projects in their business.

For example…

I’ve mentioned before that I donate a lot of money to dog rescues.

And one of my favorites is called White Kisses.

They save a few hundred dogs every year (mostly Great Danes and other large breed dogs).

And White Kisses is great at what they do…

However, like most businesses, they struggle with prioritizing the things that make them money.

Case in point…

Last summer I emailed the rescue and mentioned I wanted to donate $25,000 to them.

However, I didn’t want to just send them money like most donors.

I wanted to send them stock instead.

Now, if you’re not familiar with the idea of donating stock, it’s fairly common among people who make significant donations (cause they can write off the donation and also not pay capital gains on any of the stock appreciation).

So it’s a nice little bonus for the donor.

And for this reason, every major non-profit has an investment account where you can donate stock to.

However, when I asked White Kisses if they could do this, their response was basically “we dont have an investment account currently, but a lot of people have been asking for one, so we will work on it”.

Now like I said this was last summer…

Well, I recently sent them the same email about a month ago (a full year later) to see if they got their investment account setup…

Their answer?

“No, it’s still on our list to do”.


Now to me, this is just dumb.

Cause they’re not prioritizing profitable projects.

Their staff has the time to post on Facebook and ask for donations for the rescue…

They have time to post videos on Instagram and ask for donations…

But for some reason they don’t have the time to setup an investment account so I can give them $25,000?

If I was advising them, I’d tell them to drop all the other stuff they’re doing to raise money…

And simply get this investment account setup…

Between the $25k I’m going to donate, and the others who want to donate, they’re probably missing out on $40k-$50k in donations. 

Which is a lot of dough.

Do you think they’re making $40k-$50k with their Facebook and Instagram posts?

I highly doubt it. 

But for some reason they are prioritizing those things over setitng up the investment account.

Which brings me back to my original point…

In every business there are profitable projects that you need to prioritize. 

These are the things that need your focus…

Cause they’re gonna move the needle. 

And every business has these (even non-profits)…

You just have to be smart enough to actually prioritize them.

Kick the other stuff to the curb…

And focus on the projects with the biggest ROI.

Like I said this is simple to do…

But most businesses never do it.

They just keep doing what they’re doing.

And that’s a mistake.

You always want to prioritize the profitable projects.

If you do this, you’ll have a whole lot more moolah in the end. 

– Justin 

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