Back in March when the pandemic hit, John Robb lost both of his copywriting clients in a matter of days.
“We’re not going to be needing your work anymore” is a phrase he got used to hearing.
So with no clients…
And no way to pay his bills…
John started to panic.
He was used to writing copy for an agency, so he didn’t know other clients.
He didn’t have anyone he could reach out to.
So he was worried…
And things were looking bleek…
But luckily for John, just a few days before the pandemic hit, he joined our Copy Accelerator group.
Joining the group was a BIG leap for him.
Cause he knew he couldn’t justify the $2950 monthly expense with the money he was making form the agency.
However, Stefan and I had seen some of his copy…
And we saw a lot of potential in him.
We thought that if we could get him a few clients, he would really take off.
And guess what?
That’s exactly what happened.
Cause in April and May, John brought in nearly $35,000 in copywriting fees!
Think about that…
He went from losing both his clients, and in a total state of panic…
To making over $35,000 in just two months.
It’s an incredible story…
And we’re super proud of John’s success.
That’s why we gave him the honor of being our “Accelerator Of The Week”.
I think John’s story is a testament to the fact that no matter how bad things get, you can always turn it around.
He’s a shining example of that.
So if you want to hear more of how John turned everything around…
Including what projects he landed and how he did it…
Then I suggest listening to the interview I recorded with John on Youtube this week.
You can watch it on Youtube right here.
Congrats again to John on all of his success…

– Justin