“Almost every problem you face in business is an emotional problem that stems from your childhood”
I remember when my coach, Brent, said this to me.
At first I didn’t fully believe it.
How could copywriting clients walking all over me be about my childhood?
Or how could me procrastinating on starting a business be about my childhood?
I didn’t see the connection.
But after a few sessions with Brent…
I saw what he meant.
For example…
I used to let copywriting clients walk all over me to the point that I felt like I had no control in the relationship.
I just did whatever they wanted.
I had no idea how to set rules with them…
Or to put my foot down…
I just gave in to their demands.
After working with Brent for a bit, I realized this all stemmed from my relationship with my mom when I was a kid.
Cause when I was a kid my mom was the “boss”, and it was my job to make her happy.
I wasn’t allowed to say “no”…
And I wasn’t allowed to voice my opinion.
All I could do was give in and try to make her happy.
So 20 years later when I started working with copywriting clients, I repeated that with my clients.
Which led to clients walking all over me…
And me feeling like I was helpless when it came to clients.
I’ll give ya another example…
Everytime I’ve started a new business I’ve spent months and months procrastinating before I launched the business.
Cause in my mind, the business had to be perfect before I launched it.
So I’d just keep changing stuff…
Or I’d focus on the littlest thing (like the links in the footer of the website) and make sure those were perfect…
This led to me wasting months and months…
And beating myself up cause I couldn’t get things right.
Obviously this was an issue…
So when I dug into the issue with Brent…
We discovered that my procrastination with starting a business really came from when I was a kid.
Cause when I was a kid, my mom never allowed me to make mistakes.
I always had to be perfect.
If I got a B on my report card, she would fly off the handle…
Or if I played a bad round of golf she’d criticize me for not practicing enough…
So my whole childhood was about trying to be perfect.
And because that was ingrained in me as a kid…
It carried over into adulthood.
And everytime I tried to start a business, I’d procrastinate because it “had to be perfect”.
I could give you more examples of this…
But you get the point.
The thing I want you to see is that the stuff that holds you back today goes a lot deeper than you think.
Things like…
– feeling like you don’t have enough money
– writer’s block
– feeling like you always have to be working
– the fear of starting your own business
– the fear of hiring and scaling your business
– your imposter syndrome
– the fear of charging more for your services or products
– the fear of putting yourself out there
This is all a deeper issue.
And it’s really not about business.
It’s about what was ingrained into you when you were a kid.
That stuff is still with you…
And it’s holding you back today.
I know that might sound a little woo-woo…
But after all the work I’ve done with Brent…
I’ve realized he was spot on about this.
So if you want to fix what’s holding you back…
You gotta start at the root cause.
And that’s exactly what Brent’s work does.
Maybe that appeals to you…
Maybe that doesn’t…
But if it does…
Pay attention to an email I’ll be sending your way tomorrow morning.
Cause tomorrow morning, Brent is going to be opening up his “Corrections Course” that helps you to remove the mental and emotional blocks that are holding you back.
This is the exact same method Brent uses with me and his other private clients…
But instead of you having to pay over $100k to work with him (which is his current yearly rate)…
You can learn from him in his course for a tiny fraction of that cost.
So if you struggle with stuff like…
Writer’s block…
The fear of starting your own business…
The fear of charging more…
Working too much…
Worrying about money…
And any other “blocks” you have…
Then this will be right up your alley.
I’ll have more info for you about the course tomorrow.
And I’ll even have a special bonus for you if you pick up Brent’s course through my link…
So if that interests you…
Keep your eyes peeled for an email from me tomorrow morning.
– Justin