One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is NOT prioritizing the things that make money in their business.
For example…
When I was in Hawaii, I helped my friend Natasha for a few days with her business.
She currently makes money as a travel influencer.
So she’s always shooting Youtube and Instagram videos.
And most of the money she makes comes from brand collaborations and Youtube ad revenue.
Which is great.
She’s off to a good start.
She wants to make more money…
And turn this into a real business.
So I gave her some advice on what do.
And the advice I gave her will probably apply to you as well, so I wanna share it here…
Here’s what I told her…
“You’re doing a lot of stuff, but you’re not doing the things that make money”
Making a Youtube video might take her 10+ hours between shooting, editing, voiceover, music etc…
Making a TikTok video probably takes her an hour or two by the time it gets filmed, edited and posted.
Now she needs to create content in order to grow/bond with her followers…
The big issue is that she’s not prioritizing the things that make money.
Simply uploading a Youtube or TikTok video isn’t gonna make her much money.
She needs something to sell.
So I told her that her two biggest focuses with her business should be…
1. Selling things
2. Getting more subscribers
That’s it.
She needs to cut back on everything else…
And just focus on what will make her money.
Which is a very simple idea…
But it’s a big issue for a lot of entrepreneurs.
You have to remember…
You’re in business to make a profit.
So if you’re not focused on your profits…
Then you’re just “playing” business.
And you don’t want that.
So for Natasha, I helped her create an ebook she could sell titled “How to get 3 vacations for the price of 1”
It’s basically all the hacks she uses to go on dream vacations on the cheap.
Which I think will sell well.
It has wide appeal.
And she’ll be able to sell it in her Youtube videos…
And on her Instagram multiple times per week.
So I’m excited to see how it does for her.
Should givee her a nice boost in income.
Plus, it will also give her a lot more control over where her money comes from.
Which is huge.
I don’t want her being dependant on Youtube…
Or brand collaborations.
That’s not a spot you want to be in.
You want to be in control.
I wanted to share this with you, cause I see a lot of entrepreneurs who make the same mistake Natasha is making.
They’re doing a lot of stuff…
But it’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t make money.
So the big takeaway here is to prioritize the things that make you money.
Those come first.
That’s a simple lesson, but it’s one that will make you a lot of dough if you take it to heart.
That’s all I got for ya today…
Enjoy your Thursday.
– Justin

P.S. – if you just got on my email list from Ian telling you about me, feel free to reply to this and say “hello”. I won’t bite.