One of the big things I always preach is getting crystal clear on what really matters to YOU in your life and your business.
Cause otherwise you end up chasing a bunch of shit just to make other people happy.
And before you know it, you have a business (and a life) that you don’t even enjoy.
I’ll give you an example…
Last weekend at the mastermind I hosted in Austin, my friend Anna Nassery (who has a successful agency) talked about how for years she was always in the “more, more, more” mindset.

So she was constantly trying to grow her agency…
She was hiring new people…
And always bringing on new clients…
And as a result, her revenue shot up like a rocket.
From the outside, it looked like everything was going well for her.
She was always working remotely from Mexico…
And speaking at big events…
When Anna spoke at my mastermind, she said that while everything probably looked great on Instagram, deep down she was completely miserable.
Cause she was working from sun-up til sun-down…
Most of her day was spent wrangling her team and putting out fires.
She felt completely drained…
And uninspired…
And it took her a long time to finally realize, that this was NOT what she wanted.
She had always thought she wanted a big agency with a bunch of employees…
But now that she had it, she realized that the big agency was really more about impressing her parents and making them happy.
It wasn’t what she wanted…
It’s what she thought THEY wanted for her.
So what did she do?
Well she basically blew up the whole thing.
She cut her team from 27 employees down to 3 employees.
She got rid of most of her clients…
And guess what happened as a result?
Her profits actually went up!
With her smaller team, she was able to increase her prices and deliver better results than before.
So even though her revenue numbers weren’t as flashy, she was taking home more money with the 3-person team.
PLUS on top of that (and probably even more importantly)…
Anna finally felt like she had a life again.
It wasn’t just work, work, work.
She had time to do yoga, to meditate, to go to Bali for three weeks, to have dinner with friends (and not be on Slack the whole time she’s at dinner).
She wasn’t stressed to the gills.
She was finally enjoying life and feeling like herself.
So it was a big change.
And now-a-days, her life is much more aligned with what SHE wants (and not what others want for her).
I wanted to share that story cause I think it’s a good example of getting clear on what you want in life.
It’s not about what your parents want for you…
Or what you think will impress people on Instagram…
What is it that you actually want?
What will fulfill you?
What will give you joy on a day to day basis?
That’s what you want to get clear on.
It doesn’t have to be perfect (you can adjust as you go).
But it helps to understand what matters to you from the start.
And then go after that.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya this morning…
Enjoy your Saturday.
– Justin