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lessons from a launch that did 17k in sales

After every launch I do, I like to share the lessons I learned from the launch with you. Why? So that way you can take what I learned… And use it to make yourself some moolah. Sound good? Alright, let’s get into it. First things first… The launch I...

3 hours until this goes bye bye

The clock is tickin… If you haven’t signed up for the crypto training I’m hosting tomorrow with Mike Dillard… You have less than 3 hours left to do that… Cause once the clock hits 11:59 PM CT tonight… I’ll be closing the...

is it too LATE to get into crypto?

A question from Christine rolled in a few days ago wondering if it’s too late to get into crypto… ——— So I know you’re gung-ho on crypto, but you also got in back in 2020.   Isn’t it a little too late to be getting...