A question from Kelly came in yesterday about getting email copy clients…
“I’ve been trying to write email copy for a chiropractor in my area, but he doesn’t seem that interested. I also tried writing emails for a fitness bootcamp (like Barry’s) as well, but they didn’t want to pay me more than $10 an email. Any suggestions on how I can charge more with these clients?”
I’m glad Kelly asked this question.
Cause there’s a HUGE lesson in here that she’s not even aware of.
But once she learns this lesson…
It will completely change the type of email clients she goes after.
Here’s the lesson…
You want to AVOID (like the plague) clients that do not understand the value of direct response.
Sear that into your brain.
Cause it’s a million dollar lesson.
And here’s why…
Early on in my copy career I made the mistake of trying to write email copy for businesses that did not understand direct response marketing.
So I tried to write email copy for dentists…
And personal trainers…
And I was mildly successful at it.
However, working with them was like pulling teeth (no pun intended).
Cause they did not value (or understand) direct response copy.
So every step of the way I had to convince them of basic DR principles…
Like the fact that we should send more than one email per month…
Or that our emails should be text-based instead of a bunch of pretty graphics.
This was a constant battle.
And it always ended with me frustrated that they simply wouldn’t listen to me.
Sadly this is true of a lot of clients you’ll work with.
But here’s the bottom line…
Any business that doesn’t understand direct response…
And doesn’t value direct response copy…
Is probably a bad client for you.
Cause they’ll never pay you what you’re worth…
And they’ll most likely be a pain-in-the-ass to work with.
So my advice?
If you want to find email clients that will pay you $5k or $10k a month (or more), then you need to hunt for clients that understand the value of email copy.
That’s the key…
Now there’s a few ways to find these clients (even if you’re newer)…
And this is one of the things I’m gonna reveal on the Zoom call I’m hosting this Friday.
The call is titled “How to make 6-figures as an email copy specialist”.
And on the call, I’m gonna walk you through the exact kind of clients that pay top-dollar for email copy…
I’ll show you how you can get a hold of them…
And what you should say in order to land a $5k or $10k a month retainer with them.
So I’m gonna show you all that on the Zoom call this Friday.
The call starts at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT.
And you’ll get to learn directly from me, Stefan Georgi and three other 6-figure email copy specialists on the call.
So this should be a good one.
All you gotta do is register for the call beforehand…
And then show up on Friday at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT.
Here’s the link to save your spot…
-> How to make 6-figures as an email copy specialist
– Justin