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I don’t like being the bearer of bad news…

But we are nearly sold out of tickets for the upcoming Copy Accelerator event (it kicks off on Feb 28th).

If you’ve missed my previous emails about the event, here’s the details…

The event will be all about the latest tactics that are working for VSL’s, upsells, emails and ads…

What’s more…

The people we have speaking at this event might be our best ever including…

Alen Sultanic – the man behind over 80 different profitable funnels, and an absolute wizard when it comes to dialing-in AOV’s and scaling offers.  Alen stays very underground, and does not speak at events, so getting him to this event is a big treat.

Chris Evans – a former Pastor turned freelancer, who decided to build his own 8-figure business with Traffic & Funnels.  Now-a-days, they have multiple offers bringing in 200-400 buyers a day in marketing, biz-opp and real estate.  

Kim Krause Schwalm – a true A-list copywriter who has been writing winning copy day-in and day-out for 25 years.  Kim is still writing blockbuster controls in 2022, and is also an incredible copy coach that’s helping mold the next generation of great copywriters.

Ron Lynch – the man behind some of the biggest infomercials ever including Orange Glo, Go Pro, The Ultimate Chopper, FlavorWave Deluxe and plenty more.  Ron is going to reveal some of his best infomercial secrets that you should be using in your VSL’s and video ads to boost the conversions. 

Kevin Rogers – he’s a former freelance copywriter who raked in a healthy 6-figures for years. And now he’s the man behind “Copy Chief”, a training program for up-and-coming copywriters. Kevin will be on the all-star copy panel with Kim and Marcella. 

Marcella Allison – Just a few years ago Marcella won the “copywriter of the year” award from AWAI.  And for good reason, she’s been writing winning controls for the biggest players in direct response like Motley Fool, Money Map Press and Bottom Line. 

Jason Capital – Me and JC have been good friends for nearly 10 years now, and he just “gets” marketing on a whole ‘nother level.  He’s started 5 different multi-million dollar businesses before the age of 30.  And he currently is crushing it on TikTok (with 2.7 million followers) and using it to drive hundreds of buyers to his programs each day. 

So there ya go…

That’s a little rundown of who’s gonna be speaking at the event.

Obviously I’ll be speaking at the event as well…

And my partner, Stefan Georgi (who I consider the #1 copywriter in the world right now) will speak too.

But what I’m really excited about is how “tactical” this event is going to be.

Everything is geared towards giving you the latest tactics that are working now when it comes to…

– Increasing AOV’s on your funnel (upsells, checkout pages etc…)

– Writing winning VSL’s that bring in 200, 500 or even 1000 buyers a day

– Crafting killer emails that scale with both affiliates and cold traffic

– Creating unusual ad creatives that you can run on Youtube, Facebook and Native that can cut your ad costs in half…

That’s what this event is all about.

It’s all tactics.

And it’s all stuff that’s working right now.

And frankly that’s why some of the biggest names in direct response attend our events…

At past events we’ve had people like…

Craig Clemens, Chris Haddad, Carline Anglade-Cole, Nick Daniel (VShred), Dan Ferrari, Rudy Mawer, Marc Stockman, Jay Deiboldt, Ed Scow, Emily Lark, Amber Spears, Steve Gunn, Josh Snow and a whole lot more…

So as you can see, the people attending this event will be the “best of the best”. 


One unique thing we do at the event is we have a matchmaking session between business owners who need copy, and the copywriters at the event who are looking for clients.

Last I checked we have 40+ business owners who are actively coming to the event to hire copywriters (many will be hiring 5-10 copywriters for multiple projects)

So if that interests you…

I’d love to have you join us in a few weeks on Feb 28th in Tampa, FL (you can also attend virtually if you can’t travel right now).

Now, you might be wondering if this event is a good fit for you…

Well, here’s who I think it’s for… 

Any copywriter (or aspiring copywriter) that wants to talk to high-paying clients in person.  You’ll have the chance at our “matchmaking sessions” to talk to 8-figure business owners who are dying to hire writers for emails, ads, advertorials, VSL’s, upsells and more…

Most copywriters at our events leave the event with at least 1 new copywriting gig.  Some even leave with 3-4 gigs. 

You’ll also get to connect with other copywriters that are making $10k, $20k and even $50k a month at the event.  

This is super important, because having a good network of copywriters around you to push you and inspire you will help you to get to the next level.

So if you’re a copywriter (or an aspiring copywriter) you should definitely be at the event…

Also if you have your own offers, then this event will be right up your alley…

You won’t find a better group of 7, 8 and even 9-figure direct response business owners who are all trying to navigate the same issues you are as a business owner…

Whether that’s IOS issues…

Pumping out new ad creatives…

Or scaling your offer on cold traffic…

You’ll be in a room with some of the smartest DR marketers on the planet – who are all willing to help you and give you insight into what you should do.

That’s one thing that’s special about this group…

Even though a lot of us are competitors…

We all want to see each other win.

And Stefan and I want to make sure YOU win as well.

So if you fit the bill on any of those…

Then I highly suggest you apply for a seat at the event.

Like I said, the event is LIVE and in person in Tampa, Florida.

Or you can attend virtually if you can’t travel right now.

But I do have to warn you…

To sit-in on this event, you have to apply for a seat.

You can’t just buy a ticket like most events.


Well because you’re sitting in on the actual mastermind event that our members pay anywhere from $12,000 – $45,000 to be a part of.

So in order to keep the quality of the room high…

We make everyone apply for a seat.

This way we can make sure you’re a good fit…

And if you are…

We’ll let ya buy a ticket and join in on the fun.

So if that piques your interest…

And you want to join this insane group of direct response marketers…

Then head on over to the event page

And see if it’s a good fit for you. 

Everytime we run one of these events, there are tons of big wins that happen at the event…

Like when Andrew Tennant landed a $9,000 copy gig at our last event…

Or when Michael Rochin picked up a $10,000 a month copywriting client at our Vegas event…

Or when Nick Daniel (from VShred) was struggling to find copywriters for his company, and he ended up hiring his 2 best copywriters from our event…

These kinds of things always happen at Copy Accelerator events…

And I bet you a pretty penny they’ll happen at this next event as well.

So if you want to be a part of it…

I suggest you read over the event page….

And see if it’s a fit for you.

I hope you get a seat…

Here’s the link again…

-> Copy Accelerator LIVE 2022

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.