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After ten years of slinging drinks as a bartender, Krista Edsall felt like she needed to do something different with her life.  

Up until that point the most money she had made was $4000 a month.

Which is nothing to sneeze at…

But Krista wanted more.

She wanted something with more opportunity.

Luckily for her, a random encounter at the Atlantic Beach dog park changed everything. 

Krista was watching her dog run around, and wound up talking to a guy she saw at the park quite often.

His name was Brooks Briz (The former operations director for our Copy Accelerator program).

Krista’s first thought when she talked to Brooks was “this guy seems like he’s making money while he’s at the dog park”.

That led Krista to ask Brooks a bunch of questions…

Brooks eventually told Krista about direct response.

And told her she should look into copywriting.

After Googling what copywriting was, Krista decided to pony up some money to get into copywriting.

So she bought Stefan’s RMBC course…

And about a month later she decided to attend our Copy Accelerator event last September.

At the event, her mind was opened to what was possible as a copywriter.

She met people like Dan Ferrari who surfed all day and was one of the highest paid copywriters out there.

She met Carline Anglade Cole who gave her the confidence to go after what she wanted…

She met copywriters making tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Like most new copywriters, Krista was skeptical that she could do this.

But after leaving the event, she started to believe she could do it. 

Well fast forward to today, just 8 months after this, and Krista is on pace to make over $100,000 this year as a copywriter.

She’s put in the work…

She’s been laser-focused…

And now she’s reaping the rewards.

I sat down with Krista recently to have her tell her story.

She revealed how she got good at copy so quickly…

How she pushed through the struggles of a first year copywriter…

And how she gathered up the courage to go fulltime as a copywriter.

This was honestly one of my favorite interviews I’ve done yet.

Krista drops some gems in this.

So if you’re a copywriter who’s still an up-and-comer, I highly suggest you watch this interview and learn from Krista.

You can check it out on my Youtube channel at the link below…

-> How Krista went from a bartender to a 6-figure copywriter in less than a year

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.