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Last week A-list copywriter, Henry Bingaman, hit me up to see if I wanted to be the first person on his new podcast that’s all about leaving your 9-5 job and doing your own thing.

It’s appropriately titled “Leaving the Machine”.

Henry’s a super smart dude…

And we think similarly on a lot of things…

So we sat down and chatted for nearly an hour on all things money, freedom and doing your own thing.

And I shared some pretty juicy stuff that you may be interested in, such as…

– What I would do today to make money if I had to start over with none of my current contacts or network

– How you can make MORE money than copywriters that are better writers than you (this is something I’ve perfected for myself)

– Why a lot of entrepreneurs should make LESS money than they think they need (weird, but this rings true in my experience)

– How I setup my business and my life so that it makes me 7-figures a year without working myself to death

– My 85/15 philosophy for what you should do with the money you earn so you can multiply it quickly and safely

– Plus a whole lot more…

This was a really fun podcast…

And if you like making money and doing your own thing, I think you’ll dig this one.

Feel free to check it out on Youtube at the link below…

-> Justin on “Leaving The Machine”


– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.