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Every once in a while I’ll sit down at my laptop and I can’t think of anything to write about.

Well today is one of those days…

So I’m just gonna free-flow some ideas and thoughts that I think might help you…

1.  I usually work at a coffee shop 2 days a week.  One thing Ive noticed is that coffee shops are not good for doing “deep work”.  There’s just too many distractions, and too much going on.  I try to keep my coffee shop sessions to work that doesn’t require a ton of focus.  If you’re trying to do “deep work” at a coffee shop, you’re probably not getting as much done as you could.

2.  On that same note, getting out of the house is also beneficial.  I’ve engineered my life so I rarely have to leave my house.  My assistant gets all my groceries and runs my errands.  I also work from home.  So there’s not a ton that I need to leave the house for.  However, the few things I do leave the house for (working at a coffee shop, going to the gym, going to sauna) are things I really enjoy.  So pushing yourself to get out of the house a little more (if you’re always home like me) can be great for your mood day-to-day.

3.  One of my friends who is a fitness coach, was asking me if she should hire a business coach this past weekend.  The guy she wants to hire is legit and knows what he’s doing.  So I shared with her my experience with hiring coaches, and how it’s been the biggest ROI I’ve ever gotten on an investment.  Some people think I just believe in coaching since I run a coaching program.  But I can tell you that if you asked me my thoughts on joining any other legit coaching program (even if they were a competitor of mine) I would tell you the same thing.  Yes, you should do it.  There’s no better way to learn something than to have someone who’s already done it showing you what to do. It’s the best ROI you’ll get if you’re willing to do the work.

4.  If you haven’t listened to the Joe Rogan interview with Mr. Beast yet (the biggest Youtuber in the world) you should.  Mr. Beast is like 23 years old, and has 200+ million subscribers across all his channels.  Not only that, but his story is super inspiring.  The guy just lives and breathes Youtube.  And to be doing what he’s doing at 23 is absolutely insane.  I had no idea all the production and planning that goes into his videos (some of them take 4+ months to setup). This guy is just operating on a whole ‘nother level. Anyways, there’s tons of good business lessons in the Mr. Beast episode, so I highly recommend giving it a listen.

Alright I’m gonna wrap this up…

I need to eat some lunch, and take a nap.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

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