A few years back, Mark Manson (the author of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck) said something on a podcast that completely changed the way I looked at making money.
Here’s the story…
Basically, Mark wanted to be a professional musician when he was younger.
So he went to music school for it…
And he got really damn good as a guitar player.
Like expert level…
But eventually it started to wear on him.
Everyday he would sit down and practice for 5-6 hours a day.
It was becoming routine.
And it went from something he enjoyed to something that was just a job.
It was around this time that Mark had one of those lightbulb moments.
“This is what it’s like to be a professional musician” he said. “You have to practice all-day everyday. And if you don’t want to do that, then you should probably find something else to do”
I’m not sure why him saying this stuck with me so much…
But it did.
Maybe it was cause I had a similar realization when I was writing a lot of copy.
My copy always converted well…
And I wrote some offers that were homeruns.
But I personally didn’t enjoy cranking out a 40 page sales letter every single month.
It felt like a slog.
And I usually wanted it to be over.
What’s funny is that I thought all copywriters felt the same way I did.
I just figured it was part of being a writer.
But after talking to a few writers, I realized that wasn’t the case.
A lot of copywriters enjoy writing.
So sitting at a computer for a few hours a day and writing is enjoyable for them.
That was an “ah ha” moment for me.
Cause I realized that writing copy all day wasn’t for me.
What I was really interested in was the marketing strategy.
Like getting a funnel to convert on cold traffic…
Or tweaking the offer so it converts better…
That’s what I liked to do.
And I could talk about that for hours.
And that was a big realization for me (just like it was for Mark).
Cause the truth is, there are certain realities of what you’re going to have to do.
I you hate talking on camera, trying to film 3 videos a weeek for your Youtube channel probably isn’t a good fit.
Or if you don’t enjoy writing, then being a copywriter prolly isn’t for you.
I could go on and on with this…
But you get the point.
You can save yourself a lot of headaches…
And a lot of frustration…
If you simply look at the realities of something BEFORE you dive into it.
That’s a simple concept.
But it’s one that can make your life a whole lot better if you do it.
Make sense?
I hope so, cause that’s all I got for ya today…
Enjoy your Tuesday.
– Justin