Note: I’m taking the day off today, so this email is a reprint of one of my favorites about making TOO much money
I’m a big believer that you can make too much money…
Which sounds strange, I know…
But here’s why I believe this…
Back in 2016 or so, one of my main goals was to take home $5 million a year.
At the time I was already doing well.
I think in 2015 I made around $700k.
In 2016 I made around $2.2 million.
So $5 million wasn’t that far away…
But here’s the thing…
That $2.2 million was quite stressful for me.
Cause in 2016 I was working like a dog…
12 hours a day, 7 days a week…
Our main offer, a supplement called Patriot Power Greens took off like a rocket ship that year.
And the company went from doing like $7 million a year to $23 million a year in the blink of an eye.
So just trying to keep up with the demand was tough.
We didn’t have enough staff…
Didn’t have enough copywriters…
I was basically writing all the emails, ads, sales pages and upsells for that offer.
Plus I was also writing copy for new offers that we had coming out.
It was a big workload.
And eventually I got burnt out.
I wound up selling my stake in that business a year later.
And even took an entire year off just to de-stress and relax.
Since then I’ve thought a lot more about WHY I wanted to make $5 million a year.
And honestly, I can’t come up with a good reason.
Sure I like to buy nice things…
I have a nice house, with a pool in beautiful Austin, Texas.
I have a $100,000 Range Rover.
I donate tens of thousands of dollars to my favorite dog rescues.
But here’s the thing…
I can do all that without making $5 million a year.
So for me, there’s not really a point to putting in all that extra effort…
Just so I could get to $5 million a year.
I don’t need $5 million a year.
My life wouldn’t be any different if I was making $5 million this year versus the $1.5-$2 million I’m on pace to make.
Honestly there’s nothing else I would buy that I currently don’t have.
I don’t have any interest in owning a private jet.
Or buying a 12,000 square foot house.
The extra money would just go straight into my Vanguard account and be invested.
Which is not that appealing.
So right now I’m simply content doing the amount of work I currently do…
And bringing in $1.5 – $2 million a year.
That’s where I want to be.
I know at the those numbers I don’t have to worry about money.
I can spend freely without thinking twice about it.
And I can also still sock-away a good chunk of that money for retirement.
Which works for me.
Now I know my thinking on this is different from most entrepreneurs…
Most entrepreneurs always want to make more money.
And that’s fine…
I just want to show you that there is another way.
One that’s based on the amount of money YOU want to make.
And not some random number you pull out of the sky (like I did with my $5 million number).
The goal is to live the lifestyle YOU want.
That lifestyle might cost $100,000 a year…
It might cost $10 million a year…
What matters is that you have a clear idea of what that lifestyle looks like.
And what it’s gonna cost to live it.
That’s the key.
In the end it’s about getting what you want…
And not trying to make a certain amount of money because it sounds good when you say it.
Keep that in mind.
– Justin