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lessons from a launch that did 17k in sales

After every launch I do, I like to share the lessons I learned from the launch with you. Why? So that way you can take what I learned… And use it to make yourself some moolah. Sound good? Alright, let’s get into it. First things first… The launch I...

3 hours until this goes bye bye

The clock is tickin… If you haven’t signed up for the crypto training I’m hosting tomorrow with Mike Dillard… You have less than 3 hours left to do that… Cause once the clock hits 11:59 PM CT tonight… I’ll be closing the...

is it too LATE to get into crypto?

A question from Christine rolled in a few days ago wondering if it’s too late to get into crypto… ——— So I know you’re gung-ho on crypto, but you also got in back in 2020.   Isn’t it a little too late to be getting...

24 hours until this disappears

If you haven’t signed up for the crypto training I’m hosting on Wednesday with Mike Dillard… You have roughly 24 hours left to get signed up. Cause once the clock hits 11:59 PM CT tonight… I’ll be closing it down. And if you try to sign...