Ever have one of those days where you wake up and just can’t think of anything to write about?
Well I’m having one of those today.
So today’s email is gonna be a brain-dump of random things on my mind…
1. I made a post on IG yesterday, that a lot of people seemed to resonate with…
It said…
Overrated metric: how much money you make in a year
Underrated metric: how much stress and sacrifice you have to make to get that money
A few years ago I was the guy that only cared about the money.
I didn’t care what I had to do to get it.
I just wanted money.
But I see the bigger picture a little better now.
The real value comes when you can make the money you want, doing what you want, and doing it when you want it.
In other words…
Money, freedom and happiness.
That’s what I believe really matters.
Alright let’s do another one of these.
This one is is completely off topic (yet somewhat related).
2. After watching what’s happening in Afghanistan, I’m more convinced than ever, that freedom is the most important thing worth fighting for.
Most people in the US are willing to give up their freedoms in certain situations.
However those freedoms are things we never get back.
So if we keep giving them up its only a matter of time until they’re gone.
I talk a lot about living life on your own terms…
However in order to do that, you have to have the freedom to do it.
Governments always want more control (no matter which party is in power)…
So if we want to be truly free, we have to put freedom above all else.
Which requires us to deal with things that are uncomfortable…
And might not be as good in the short term.
But if you want to live life on your own terms, then the power has to be in the hands of the people.
Let’s hop to my next thought…
3. I’ve been getting lots of new subscribers on Youtube and my email list from places like Nigeria, Kenya and Lebanon.
When I started this list, it was almost all people from the U.S.
So it’s cool to see how far things are reaching.
I get a kick out of someone stumbling upon my stuff, and then using it to get a copy gig…
Or they start their own offer.
That’s pretty cool to see.
And it’s especially cool to see it happening in countries that I would have never expected.
If you’re creating content…
Or sharing your experience with people…
Just know you’re probably helping more people than you think.
Alright that’s all I got for today…
Heading out on a walk.
Enjoy your Thursday
– Justin