Over the weekend, I came down with the flu, so these last few days I’ve been feeling like death.
I’m sleeping a lot…
Drinking a ton of water…
And basically laying on my couch watching re-runs of Reno 911.
The shitty thing about being sick is there’s not a lot you can do.
You just have to wait it out.
But like most people, I want it to end.
I don’t want to deal with a fever and the chills.
I don’t want to be coughing all night.
I just want to feel better.
And there’s a big lesson in here that will help you with your copy.
People who are in some type of pain (whether that’s emotional or physical pain) want more than anything to get OUT of that pain.
They don’t care about future problems that might come up.
They don’t care about good stuff that might happen in the future…
They simply want to get OUT of their current hell.
This is one of the most crucial parts of copy…
But its one that people often get wrong.
For example, if you’re selling biz op stuff, the guy buying that cares more about getting OUT of his current emotional pain than he does about what the actual thing you’re selling will do for him.
He really just wants out of his “hell”.
And if you can talk to him in those words…
Making that sale is a LOT easier helping him get out of hell, than it is touting the benefits of what you’re selling.
Make sense?
Hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya today.
Take care,
– Justin
P.S. – if you haven’t grabbed your ticket for our upcoming mastermind in a few weeks, the clock is ticking.
You can get all the info on the event here