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A few days ago I posted a story on Instagram that said “if you want to have more money, you need to be a good receiver of money”.

I didn’t think anything of it when I posted the story…

But it ended up getting a TON of responses…

Specifically, it got a lot of responses from copywriters.

So I want to expand on it here…

Basically if you want to make more money…

If you want to get paid more…

You have to be COMFORTABLE receiving money.

All the client-getting tactics and hustle will not help you if you’re uncomfortable receiving money.


Because internally you’re not comfortable having money.

Which means you’ll probably find ways to sabotage.

You’ll procrastinate on sending invoices…

Or you’ll charge less than you’re worth.

This happens all the time.

I see with copywriters I coach…

And in fact, I used to be guilty of this myself.

Back when I was freelancing in 2008-2010, I had a lot of guilt around money.

I felt like I didn’t deserve the money.

And that I was charging too much.

I felt like I was somehow ripping my clients off, even though my copy was making them a bunch of money. 

And because of these feelings, I never made as much money as I could as a freelancer.

I’d have boom and bust months…

And I’d self sabotage when things got good.

I unconciously pushed money away so that I wouldn’t make more.

And I was doing all this because at the root, I wasn’t comfortable with having money. 

And that’s a big issue.

Cause here’s the truth…

If you want to have a lot of money, you have to be comfortable with money.

You’ll see this if you hang out with people with money.

People with money are very casual and comfortable talking about money.

They don’t get tense…

They don’t feel guilty…

It’s pretty much just paper to them.

And they expect to have a lot of it. 

You actually see very similar stuff in guys when it comes to dating. 

A guy who is used to having beautiful women around him, is usually comfortable talking to beautiful women.

He’s not a bumbling mess…

He’s not full of anxiety…

It’s just normal to him.

So he ends up with more beautiful women around him.

Well same thing goes for money.

The more comfortable you are with money, the more of it you’ll have.

That’s the big lesson.

It means not feeling guilty about getting paid…

And charging what you’re worth…

It means seeing your own value…

And realizing that when a client pays you, it’s a win-win for both you and the client.

This is what it means to be comfortable with money.

And like I said, the more comfortable you are with it, the more of it you’ll have.

So keep that in mind.

And enjoy your Monday,

 – Justin


P.S. – one of the best ways to be comfortable with money is to hang out with people who have money.

If you’re a copywriter and you hang out with writers making $100k, $200k or even $500k a year, it will change what you think is possible.

This is one of the biggest benefits of attending our Copy Accelerator events.

You’ll be surrounded by people who are already at the level you want to be at.

And the best part? 

They are willing to help you succeed as well.

At our upcoming event, you’ll get to hang with all-star marketers and copywriters like me, Stefan Georgi, Dan Ferrari, Sabah Karimi, Ian Stanley, Chris Haddad and even a mystery guest from the $400 million dollar Golden Hippo brand.

So if that piques your interest…

I suggest you check out the event details right here.


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.