Probably the quickest (and most proven) way to get to 6 or 7-figures is to learn from someone who’s already done that.
Case in point…
Back in 2017 when I was taking a year off from work, I decided to mentor two of my friends, Tanner and Alec.
Both of these guys had no idea what internet marketing was.
They had never written copy before.
Tanner was folding clothes at Abercombie and Fitch when I met him.
And Alec was a frustrated financial advisor who hated wearing a suit and tie everyday.
So both of these guys were starting from scratch.
However they had the drive…
They knew they wanted to have the money and the freedom that I had.
So they were willing to do whatever to get that.
Honestly, I wasn’t sure what I was going to teach them at the time.
I just wanted to teach them something that they could make money at relatively quickly.
So I finally settled on email copy.
Because I knew there was a huge need for email copy.
Offer owners were always emailing me asking for referrals to email copywriters.
So I thought “if I can get these guys good at writing emails, they can take on a client in 3-4 months and start making money”.
So I put them on a rigorous training program.
They had to write 3 emails every single day.
And this went on 7 days a week.
I gave both of them feedback on the emails.
And slowly but surely their emails started to improve.
I’d see a glimpse of a great subject line…
Or a killer story that made me realize they were grasping the concepts.
After a few months of this, I started connecting them to clients.
Tanner started writing for a guy in the basketball niche for $2k a month.
And Alec wrote for Paleohacks making a feew grand per month.
So in a matter of 3-4 months they went from not knowing what copywriting was…
To now having a paying client.
Which is pretty cool if ya ask me.
There’s not many other careers you can do that.
But what’s even cooler is what they’ve done since then.
Tanner went on to run the email list at Natural Health Sherpa, and now at VShred (a $200 million dollar health/fitness brand).
And Alec is managing multiple lists for smart marketers like Jimmi Sparling and a few others…
Both guys are making multiple 6-figures a year now.
And they live a life that’s miles better than their old lives.
They wake up when they want…
They work from wherever they want…
They have control of their life…
And their income.
Which is an amazing feeling.
It’s freedom at it’s purest.
Which brings me to my point…
I’ve seen over and over again that the people who have a mentor or a coach, always get the fastest results.
Because the coach or mentor can tell you exactly what to do…
And what not to do.
So instead of your path looking like a crazy zig-zag that takes years and years to figure out…
It’s more of a straight line.
You get results quicker…
And you don’t have to go through all the ups and downs like everyone else.
Having that person in your corner is like a Nintendo cheat-code.
So if that piques your interest…
I suggest grabbing a ticket to our upcoming event in Scottsdale on August 31st.
At the event, you’ll get to learn from a “who’s who” of marketers like myself, Stefan Georgi, Dan Ferrari, Rich Schefren, Sabah Karimi, Ian Stanley, Chris Haddad and more…
We’ll show you exactly what you should focus on…
What’s working now…
So that you can make a whole lot of moolah…
And live the life that YOU want.
That’s our promise.
As of now, we only have a few tickets left for the event.
So if you want to snag one of the remaining seats, I suggest you don’t dilly dally.
Cause they’ll be gone soon.
You can read all about the event, and grab your seat on the event page here.
Hope to see ya in Scottsdale…
– Justin