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A question from an email copywriter named Vivek came in over the weekend asking what he can do to get his clients to pay him more…


Hi Justin, as of now I have two clients I found through Upwork that pay me $50 for each email I write for them (one is a fitness coach, the other owns a window blinds business).

The results from the emails I’ve written for them have been hit and miss.  I had a few nice wins on an affiliate promo, but other emails were less than stellar. 

My goal is to get paid more and to get a % of the email revenue at some point. 

If you were in my situation, what would you do to make that happen?


In my humble opinion, your main focus should NOT be on making more money for yourself right now.

It should be making more money for your client!


Cause the only way you’re gonna make more money yourself is if you start getting your client better results. 

You said your results have been “hit and miss” for this client…

Well it’s hard to get a pay raise with “hit and miss”.

Clients don’t want “hit and miss”.

They want consistent results.

For example…

Let’s say your fitness client is currently making $80k a year from his email list.

He’s happy with this for now…

But he’d like to make more.

So let’s say you put in some effort to really improve your email copy over the next few months…

You start dialing-in your subject lines…

And your copy skills go from a C to a B+…

And as a result of you getting better at copy…

Your client’s email revenue goes from $80k a year to $200k a year.

Think he’d be happy about that?

Of course he would.

Well guess what would also happen if you did all this for your client?

You’d probably get a big raise.

So instead of getting paid $50 per email…

You might be able to get $4k per month + 10% of the revenue your emails generate. 

That means you’d make 3x what you were making before.

But here’s the thing…

This kind of pay bump is only possible if you’re delivering results. 

That’s the key.

I mean you can use all the CIA negotiation tactics you want on your client…

But if you’re not getting them results…

Then you have no leverage to negotiate a higher pay for yourself.

So if your end goal is to get paid more…

My suggestion would be to put all your focus on making your client more money.

And in order to do that, you need to improve your subject lines…

Come up with better hooks…

And make your writing more persuasive…

That’s where your focus should be.

Now if you’re interested in doing that…

And you want some help with it…

I’d urge you to pay attention to the email I’m sending you tomorrow.

Cause I’m going to show you one of the most proven email copy formulas out there to significantly increase the money you make from every email you write.

This is a formula that’s been proven over and over again, and it’s why it’s used by 8 and 9-figure businesses like Natural Health Sherpa, VShred, Credit Secrets.

So if learning about that email formula interests you…

Be on the lookout for an email from me tomorrow morning all about it.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.