Based on yesterday’s email, seems like everyone wants my notes from the mastermind I’m at in Utah.
So I will send the notes out after the weekend.
But in the meantime…
I want to share a few takeaways from yesterday.
We didn’t do any actual masterminding yesterday…
No talking tactics…
No formal business talk…
However, I’m friends with most of the people here, so had a bunch of good convos.
For example…
Mike Geary and I talked about crypto for about a half hour.
I told him where I think crypto is going…
And why I now have close to 20% of my portfolio in crypto.
Mike gave me a little insight into what he’s investing in now (mostly real estate and private companies).
I walked away from that little 30 minute convo with some new ideas that I want to explore this year.
After my convo with Mike, I had a conversation with Ryan Moran about work-life balance.
Ryan was wondering how it’s been going trying to prioritize non-work things in my life…
I told him the biggest thing for me has been actually planning ahead and putting non-work stuff in my calendar.
So if I want to go to TopGolf with a buddy, I plan it out at the beginning of the week and put it in my calendar.
If I want to meet up with some friends to walk around Lady Bird Lake, then I put it in my caledar and make it a priority.
This is something I never used to do.
And it’s why I always just kept working.
I think most entrepreneurs are like this.
Our default is to work.
Ryan agreed, and said he deals with similar issues.
So that convo was really insightful.
After Ryan and I talked, I had a few conversations with guys like Ian Stanley and Jimmi Sparling about navigating relationships as an entreprneur.
This always seems to be a big topic when we get together.
Mostly because I think there’s a lot of unique circumstances with entrepreneurs and relationships.
There’s a lot of money in play…
There’s a lot of ambition and drive to do big things…
All of this can lead to you focusing too much on work, and your spouse (or family) feeling neglected.
I know I’ve been guilty of this before.
In one of my past relationships, my girlfriend’s biggest gripe was that “I cared more about work than I cared her”.
Which was tough for me to grasp…
Cause in my mind, I was building what I was building for us.
But I understood her frustration.
I wasn’t there for her as much as she needed.
And I know this isn’t unique to me.
It comes up in conversation all the time with my friends that are entrepreneurs.
And honestly its one of the reasons I’ve been so adamant lately on prioritizing more non-work stuff in my life.
Cause it’s a better recipe for success in the long haul.
That’s a little recap of some of the convos we had yesterday.
Aside from what I shared, my biggest takeaway here is making sure you get around people that you can learn from.
People who have already done what you want to do…
Or who have made all the mistakes you’re gonna make.
Spending time with people like this is worth it’s weight in gold.
That’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Friday,
– Justin
P.S. – here’s a pic of everyone here at the mastermind…