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Yesterday was the 2nd day of the Utah mastermind I’m at. 

Similar to the first day we didn’t do any actual masterminding…

It was mostly just a chill day of swimming, Spikeball, eating good food and laying in the sun.

Which was perfectly fine by me.

I like these kind of masterminds…

Cause they provide an outlet to get into different conversations…

For example…

Last night at dinner, Amber Spears and I had a pretty deep conversation about happiness, fulfillment and not chasing money at all costs.

Amber recently shut down two 7-figure businesses that she runs.

I could totally relate with this.

Cause in April, I shut down my $50k a month print newsletter…

Both of us came to similar conclusions that we wanted to focus on less stuff. 

And we wanted to get rid of the stuff that added stress to our life.

Just hearing how Amber was struggling with some of the same stuff that I was struggling with was super helpful.

On that same note…

I had a great convo later in the evening the couch with Emily Lark.

Emily is an absolute boss, and is crushing it with her back pain offer these days.

One of the things we were talking about is what is our “enough is enough” number.

I.E. at what point do we have enough money that we just walk away. 

One of my goals is to be able to retire by the time I’m 40 (whether I will actually retire at 40 is a whole ‘nother story).

But I want to be in the spot to retire if I choose. 

Emily said she’s been having similar thoughts.

The thought of “how much money do I really need” has been running through her head a lot.

So she’s been thinking more long term about some passion projects she wants to do. 

These projects wouldn’t necessarily make her money…

But they would be fulfilling.

They would light up her soul.

I’ve been having similar thoughts as this over the past year. 

Long term, I want to dive into a lot more passion projects that are on my mind…

Like spending more time working with the dog rescues I help…

I also want to do some type of mentoring program for young boys who don’t have a good father figure in their life.

This is something I’m really passionate about.

Boys that grow up without a good male role-model tend to really struggle.  It affects their self worth.  It affects their relationships with women.

And it hurts society as a whole.

So one of my post-retirement gigs might be making a mentoring program like this a reality. 

Just sharing this idea with Emily was helpful…

It gave me clarity on my longer term vision.

And where I want my life to be in 5-10 years.

Which is a big reason I like get togethers like this.

These are the kinds of conversations you can’t  have with most people.

But when you’re surronded by smart people…

People who see the “big picture”…

You get insights…

And deep conversations you won’t get in many other places.

So there ya go…

I believe we’re going to do some actual masterminding today…

So I should have some insights for ya tomorrow.

And I’ll make sure I send out the notes by the end of the weekend.

But for now…

Get out and enjoy your Saturday.

– Justin 

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