I have to make this quick, cause if I get caught on the computer I’ll get in big trouble.
My name is Boo boo, and I’m the little guy next to Justin in the picture below.

Right now I live at the Austin Animal Shelter.
They have too many dogs at the shelter so I’m in the “overflow” room where I have to be in a crate all day.
I don’t like it in here…
There’s always dogs barking…
And I can’t run around.
Most of the day, I just cry in my crate, and wonder why I have to be in this little cage all day.
It’s a ruff life.
But there is a part of the day that I love.
And that’s around 4 o’clock when Justin comes in to take me for a walk.
When I see him walk through the door my tail starts wagging 100 miles an hour.
He always gives me a big belly rub, then takes me on a walk around the trail by the shelter.
It’s the best.
I get to run around in the grass…
Be in the sun…
And he even has these little liver treats for me in his pocket.
It’s my favorite part of the day.
And it makes me so happy.
We actually just got back from our walk today a few minutes ago…
And now he’s out walking my friend Archer.
So while Justin is out, I wanted to help him since he’s always nice and takes me for walks.
He told me he has a special Zoomie call tomorrow where he’s gonna teach you his favorite email hooks.
I don’t really know what that means…
But he said all the people who sign-up for the call will make more sales with their emails.
So that sounds pretty cool.
He did tell me today is the last day to sign-up for the Zoomie call.
So I fink you should do it.
He said if you want to know more, he put all da info in the Google Docs page.
I hope it helps you make a lot of moneys (and you buy me some treats wif that moneys)
Your friend,
– Boo boo