When I was in my 20’s I refused to learn from people that were smarter than me.
Because I thought I knew everything…
I thought I was the best copywriter in the world.
So I didn’t need any help.
Which looking back now was incredibly stupid.
Not sure if that was just me being young…
Or me having a big ego at the time.
Either way, it was detrimental to me as an entrepreneur.
Cause instead of learning from people that were smarter than me…
I just stayed in my own little bubble.
I tried to figure things out on my own.
Which is probably the hardest way to learn.
If you contrast Justin in his 20’s to Justin today, it’s a very different picture.
For example…
I just got off a call with Chris Evans (one of the guys behind Traffic & Funnels)…
He offered to help me with some questions I had about the direction of our Copy Accelerator program.
During the call with Chris, I simply listened…
I asked questions…
And soaked up all the insights he was giving me.
I didn’t feel the need to show him how smart I am…
Or try to one-up him…
I was simply a student.
And that’s a big point I want to make…
The smartest entrepreneurs I know are forever “students”.
They’re not too smart for the room.
They understand they don’t know everything.
So they’re always open to learning.
Even though they’re already super successful, they’re able to put their ego and pride aside and learn from others.
This is key.
And I can tell you from experience that the most successful entrepreneurs and copywriters I know all are like this.
So my advice?
No matter where you’re at in your journey…
Embrace being a student.
And be open to learning.
I promise your bank account will thank you for it.
That’s all I got for today…
Enjoy your Thursday,
– Justin