One of the benefits of knowing a bunch of marketers is that I’m privy to a lot of “underground” list building ideas that you don’t normally see discussed in Facebook groups.
And one of the best ideas I’ve seen lately is something I call “monetizing the email graveyard”.
This method allows you to acquire a 10k-20k person list for free in about two weeks.
So instead of going through all the work of building your own list…
You simply acquire a list (for free) and you start sending affiliate offers to that list.
My friend David uses this exact “graveyard method”, and he makes between $4k-$10k a month from it.
So it works well.
But not a lot of people know about it…
So I’m gonna break it down for you today…
Basically the idea behind “monetizing the email graveyard” is that every list owner has their list setup in a way that if someone doesn’t open an email for 60 days, then that person gets removed from the list.
Cause you don’t want people who are not opening your emails dragging down your deliverability.
So you remove them.
I have this set up on my list.
If you don’t open an email from me for 60 days, I have a rule in Maropost that will automatically remove you from my list.
So you’ll stop getting my daily emails…
And your email will join the other leads lying in the “unopen graveyard”.
Now this might not sound like a big deal to you…
But this is a big opportunity for you…
Because most list owners have a large “graveyard” of unopens that they do nothing with.
They’re just sitting there.
And most list owners are of the belief that those leads are worthless.
Which is not true at all.
In fact, many of those leads simply weren’t opening your emails because your emails were landing in their promo folder…
Or even worse, in their spam box…
So if you were to simply take all the unopens that you removed…
And start sending them offers from another email platform (and actually land in their inbox) they will start to buy from you.
This is exactly what my friend David does.
And like I said, he pulls in $4k-$10k a month doing it.
What’s cool about this method is that most list owners would be thrilled to give you their unopens to do this.
Because they’re currently getting $0 from those leads.
But if you’re able to monetize those leads…
And then you kick them back 40% of the profit each month…
That list owner is gonna feel like he just put on a pair of jeans and found a $100 bill in the pocket.
Cause it’s free money for him.
So it’s a win-win.
He wins by getting a check from you each month…
And you win by now having your own list that makes you a couple grand a month (possibly even more if the list is big).
So to me this is an amazing opportunity…
And if you’re someone who doesn’t have a list…
And you also don’t have a lot of money to spend to build your own list…
Then monetizing someone’s “email graveyard” may be right up your alley.
Cause you can make it happen in just a couple of weeks.
If that interests you…
I’d suggest picking up a copy of my list building training that I’ve been telling you about for the last few days.
Cause I do a whole breakdown at the end of the training on monetizing other list owner’s “unopen graveyards”.
I show you the best way to find list owners to do deals like this with…
And I also show you the technical details of how to load their email leads onto your list without triggering a bunch of spam filters.
This is all super important…
And needs to be done right.
But I break all that down for you in the training.
So if you’re interested in acquiring your own list…
And using the “unopen graveyard” strategy to make yourself some moolah…
I suggest snagging a copy of my list building course now.
I don’t have a fancy sales page or anything to sell you on this course.
So if you want a copy of it…
Just head over to the checkout page and pick it up while you can.
The course is only available at this low price of $197 for a few more days.
After that, I’m going to be putting it on my website, and it will sell for $497 on my website.
So if you want to snag it for $197, now is the time do it.
You can get yourself a copy of the course, and get instant access to it right here.
– Justin