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Back in March, Jeff Radich (co-founder of Natural Health Sherpa) came to Austin for an event and gave an amazing presentation on email marketing.

Specifically he talked about how his company  went from making $200,000 a month with email…

…To making $600,000 a month with email.

What’s even more impressive is that they made this jump without adding more people to their list!

So they 3x’d their email revenue simply by getting better at email marketing. 

Which is insane.

When Jeff mentioned that, he officially had my attention.

And I was ready to soak-up all his wisdom.

Luckily for me, he didn’t disappoint.

During his talk, he shared the unique process his company uses to…

Split-test subject lines…

Find the best email hooks…

And even how they negotiate better commissions from affiliates.

It was eye-opening.

Even for someone like me who knows a lot about email.

But what really caught my attention was what Jeff said next…

He mentioned there was something even more important than what he just shared with us…

Something that they put a LOT of focus on.

Can you guess what it is?

It’s making sure their emails don’t land in the promo tab in Gmail. 


Because when you land in the promo tab, your email will make 30-40% less revenue.

Which sucks.

And if you keep landing in the promotions tab, your “sender reputation” takes a hit.

Which means Google doesn’t think your emails are worthy of being in the primary tab.

And before you know it, an email that used to make you $10,000 is now making you $2,000.

That’s a huge difference.

Especially cause it’s almost all PROFIT that you’re losing.

And it’s all cause your emails are landing in the promo tab instead of the primary tab.

That’s a bitch.

Maybe you can relate to this…

I know I can.

I had it happen to me when I was running my old supplement company.

We were hitting the promo tab like 3 out of every 5 emails.

And it cost us a LOT of money.

I eventually fixed it by hiring a deliverability consultant for $8500.

But still…

It’s frustrating to just keep bleeding money as you hit the promo tab over and over.

And that’s kind of why I’m sending you this email.

Cause just recently, my buddy Ian Stanley put out a new course on “how to get out of the dreaded Gmail promo tab”.

Ian created this course with a guy named Andrew Clark.

If you don’t know Andrew, he is a legend in email circles. 

He manages more 100 email lists!

And on a daily basis the guy is sending probably close to 50 million emails a day. 

So he’s seeing everyday what works…

And what doesn’t work.

Especially when it comes to getting your emails into the primary tab in Gmail (and not in the promo  tab).

What’s funny is that I spent $8500 on a consultant to teach me the same information that Ian and Andrew put in their course.

That’s not  hyperbole either.

He literally taught me the exact same thing they teach in the course.

I paid $8500.

And they’re teaching it for $99. 

Talk about a steal.


If you have an email list…

Or you manage an email list for a client…

And you want to increase your revenue by 30-40% by hitting the primary tab in Gmail more often…

Then I recommend grabbing this course.

I actually bought it myself (Ian didn’t give it to me).

And at $99 it’s an absolute steal.

So if you want to check it out…

You can get all the details right here

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.