This week I’m gonna do an entire series on email.
Specifically I’m gonna talk about…
How to write emails that sell.
So I’ll show you how to write emails to sell your own offers…
As well as affiliate offers…
And even how to write emails for cold traffic lists (like Newsmax or something similar).
I’m gonna show you what really matters when it comes to email conversions…
And what doesn’t matter…
And I’m also gonna show ya a super-simple formula for writing these emails, so you don’t have to stress about how to write ’em.
So that’s all coming this week.
So keep your eyes peeled…
But before we get to that…
I want to hear from you.
Specifically I want to know…
What’s your biggest question when it comes to writing email copy?
Is there something you don’t understand?
Something that’s frustrating you…
If so, feel free to just reply to this email and let me know.
I’ll take the best questions I get and answer them this week in my series on email.
So just hit reply and ask away…
And I’ll be back tomorrrow with some email gems for ya.
Enjoy your Monday,
– Justin