Picture this…
Let’s say you need to write 10 different emails all promoting the same offer.
And you’re worried the emails are all gonna sound the same.
So what can you do to come up with unique angles that stand out?
My go-to would be to swipe some ideas from the copywriter who was better than everyone at coming up with unique angles…
Gene Schwartz.
Let’s say I’m tasked with writing emails about a “make money” course with Amazon FBA.
Here’s how I’d swipe some of Gene’s best angles and use them in my own emails…

The idea of “human parasites” in this ad stands out to me.
Pretty much everyone has people in their life that they feel are holding them back, dragging them down etc…
So if I was selling a “make money on Amazon” course, I’d write an email about how their boss is a “human parasite” and how he’s holding them back.
He thinks small…
He’s content with just getting by in life…
And he doesn’t appreciate how smart and ambitious you really are.
Basically he’s a parasite that’s holding you back from great things.
I’d make sure I hammer that point home…
And then I’d show them a new opportunity to free themselves from this parasite (which would be the Amazon FBA course I’m promoting)
That email would stand out…
And I bet it would convert pretty damn well.
Let’s look at another example of how we can swipe ole’ Gene’s ads for our own stuff…

This ad is a good example of being “contrarian”.
It’s unexpected…
And shocking.
And you could easily swipe this for an email promoting an Amazon course.
“Throw away your laptop” could be your subject line.
And you could talk about how most businesses require you to be chained to your desk and looking at your laptop.
Cause you need to use spreadsheets…
And you’re always doing five things at once, so you need the screen space…
But with Amazon FBA, you don’t need that.
Most of it is automated…
And you can do it from your phone.
That’s the angle I’d take…
And I guarantee the “throw away your laptop” subject line would get a huge open rate.
So it would be a winner…
Let’s look at one more of Gene’s ads that we could swipe for our emails…

I love this ad.
Cause it’s really a “challenge” to the guy reading it (and most of the buyers in biz op are men).
So if I was gonna swipe this, I’d actually ramp it up and make it MORE controversial…
So instead of saying…
“Do you have the courage to make $10k a month?”
I’d change it to…
“Do you have the balls to make $10k a month?”
That would be my subject line…
And in the email I’d really throw down the gauntlet and challenge the reader.
I’d talk about how this email will be ignored by weak and small men.
And then I’d talk about how all the great things in life come from relentless desire, sacrifice, facing tension, and taking responsibility.
I’d talk about how most men today can’t handle that.
So they settle for a life of medicority.
And then I’d go into all the good things that await a man who is ambitious, and takes control of his life.
How he’s free to live on his own terms…
And get the recognition he deserves.
I’d say that 90% of the people reading this will be offended by this message.
But if you’re one of the 10% that has a relentless desire to have a better life, then this is for you.
That’s the angle I’d take…
This email would surely get a reaction.
A lot of guys would be offended by it.
And unsubscribe from the list.
Which is fine.
What I’m after is the 10% that would be extemely motivated by this email.
Cause those guys would be ready to run through a wall after reading this.
And they’d buy whatever it is we’re selling.
That angle worked in 1970 when Gene wrote it, and it’d work again today.
There’s three unique email ideas for ya…
All inspired by the legendary Gene Schwartz.
I’d advise you to start swiping just like I did…
Whether that’s for emails you’re writing…
Or ads…
Swiping unique ideas from the greats (like Gene) makes writing a whole lot easier.
Which brings me to the point of this email…
I’ve been telling you for the last few days about the insane “Copy Legends” swipe file that’s on sale right now.
That swipe file has a HUGE Gene Schwartz section with over 165 of Gene’s top-performing ads.
So you get access to all the best ads he wrote in niches like health, investing, make money, diet, cooking, personal development, fishing, bodybuilding, astrology, skin care and more…
Having access to Gene’s copy is like a cheatsheet for coming up with unique ideas for your emails, subject lines, ads and more…
And what’s more…
You’re not just getting Gene’s ads in this swipe file.
You’re also getting the top-performing ads of the 70’s, 80’s and 90s from lenedary copywriters like Gary Halbert, Gary Bencivenga, Mel Martin, Dan Kennedy, Ben Suarez, Joe Sugarman, Clayton Makepeace and more…
There’s 1,749 ads in the whole collection.
So it’s a hell of a deal.
And if you pickup the swipe file this week while it’s on sale, instead of paying the regular price of $497…
You’ll pay just $297.
So you save 200 bucks…
I personally bought this swipe file myself (with my own money)…
And I use it every week to come up with subject lines, big ideas and unique hooks for my copy…
So it’s worth every penny.
But the special discounted price they’re offering is only good until March 14th.
So if you want to snag the swipe file for just $297 (instead of $497) then I suggest you don’t dilly-dally.
You can see exactly what’s in the Copy Legends swipe file, and get your copy right here.
– Justin