One thing I’ve been guilty of many times in my career is trying to do everything myself.
For example…
Back in 2016 when my supplement company took off and was on pace to do $23 million in sales that year, I had way too much on my plate.
My job was to keep everything running with our hit supplement (Patriot Power Greens).
That meant I was writing new emails for it…
I was writing leads for it…
I was analyzing all the numbers…
I was working with affiliates…
That alone is enough to keep me busy.
But on top of that, I was trying to do other stuff as well.
I had the bright idea that we needed to launch another product that year (a digestive supplement)
So I was coming up with the formulation for that…
Writing the sales page for it…
And putting the whole funnel together.
Think I had too much on my plate?
I did.
But that wasn’t anyone’s fault but mine.
I thought I could do it all.
I had the belief that I was somehow “better” than other people if I did it all myself.
So I didn’t delegate anything.
I didn’t bring on other writers to help.
I was determined that I could be the hero and do everything myself.
Well that didn’t end up working.
Projects took way longer than expected…
And I wound-up working 12 hours a day that year until I finally hit the wall and burnt out.
I lost motivation for the business…
And after I sold my share of the company in 2017, I had to take nearly a year off just to regroup.
All that overwhelm stemmed from me trying to be the hero and do everything myself.
Which I see a lot of people do.
But here’s the truth…
There’s nothing wrong with needing help.
You don’t have to be a lone wolf.
Relying on others for help is a strength, not a weakness.
That’s something that took me a long time to learn.
So I hope it hits home with you.
That’s all I got for ya today…
Enjoy your Monday.
– Justin