One of the things great marketers do is find an angle that taps into what’s already on the prospect’s mind.
For example…
The state of Ohio has a bunch of billboards in Austin right now trying to get people to move from Austin to Ohio (which is not an easy sell).
So everywhere you drive, you’ll see billboards like the one below…

Now I grew up in Ohio…
And I currently live in Austin…
And I’m also decent at coming up with ad angles…
So I have a lot of thoughts on these billboards.
And the main one is that they’re ignoring one of the golden rules of advertising…
Which is that you want to tap into the conversation that people are already having.
And right now in Austin there’s ONE big conversation people are having.
In fact, this conversation is so damn popular there’s a new thread on it every single day in the Austin sub-Reddit…
Wanna guess what it is?
It’s not the weather…
Or the quality of the restaurants here…
It’s housing costs.
That’s the big, throbbing pain point for people in Austin.
People’s rents are soaring…
And if you’re trying to buy a house, you’re gonna pay 50-100% more than you would have just a few years ago.
So people are pissed…
And they feel like they can’t afford to live here.
So if I was part of this campaign trying to get people to move from Austin to Ohio, I would 100% be tapping into this.
Cause it’s on people’s minds.
It’s what they’re talking about…
PLUS, it’s one of the only advantages Ohio has over Austin.
Everything else like the weather, job pay and just the general coolness factor – Austin is the winner.
But when it comes to housing costs…
Ohio has a real advantage.
A house that costs $800,000 in Austin, you could get that same house for $350,000 in Columbus or Cleveland (two cities that are on the upswing).
So if I was in charge of this campaign…
I would 100% focus on housing costs…
Cause it’s top of mind for most people…
And there’s already people leaving Austin because of the housing costs…
So why not try to scoop those people up and get them to move to Ohio?
Point being…
You always want the angle you use in your ads to connect with the conversation going on in your prospect’s head.
If people are frustrated and worried about housing costs…
Then DON’T talk about the weather, or taxes, or job opportunities…
Talk about housing costs!
This is such a simple idea…
But it’s one that can put a lot of dough in your bank account if you adhere to it.
So keep it in mind…
And enjoy your Monday.
– Justin