“We’re giving you a 60 cent raise”
When Rob’s boss said this to him, he finally hit his breaking point.
Rob had been working non-stop as an airplane mechanic for a defense contractor.
After 10 years in the Air Force, he knew how to work hard.
So he thought that hard work would be rewarded.
But all his boss could muster was a 60 cent raise.
Rob felt insulted.
And let down.
With a pregnant wife at home, credit card debt and his job getting more miserable by the day, Rob knew he had to find something different.
This is when Rob started searching online for writing jobs.
“I always liked to write, so I thought I could make money writing articles”
After starting his search, Rob went down a rabbit hole and eventually learned about copywriting.
“They said copywriting is where the money is, so I figured I’d try that”
This all happened back in 2019.
Which wasn’t that long ago…
But if you fast forward to today…
Rob is one of the best up-and-coming copywriters in the industry.
And he’s gone from being a total newbie to now clearing over $15k a month as a copywriter.
I sat down with Rob this week to pick-his-brain on how he did it.
I have to tell ya this was one of my favorite interviews I’ve done.
Not only was Rob hilarious…
But he also shared exactly how he went from being a newbie copywriter to making $15k a month.
He shared the ups and downs he’s been through…
And how this whole new life that he could only dream of two years ago has given his family so much more freedom and security.
So if Rob’s story appeals to ya…
I suggest watching his video I just posted on my Youtube channel below.
It’s a good one…
-> Former airplane mechanic now making $15k a month as a copywriter