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Many, many years ago Gary Halbert wrote an infamous newsletter detailing how anyone could get good at writing copy in just 30 days…

His advice?

First, get your hands on some of the most proven direct response ads of all time.

He suggested some gems like… 

John Caples’ “Do You Make These Mistakes In English?”…

Gene Schwartz’s “How to Burn Off Body Fat, Hour-By-Hour”…

And even his own ad “How to Collect Social Security At Any Age”…

Once you get your hands on those…

Then the real fun starts.

Cause now you want to take those ads and hand-copy them every single day for the next 30 days.


Because when you hand-copy ads from great copywriters…

You are ingraining their writing into your subconcious.

And when you do that…

You’ll start to write like them when you write your own ads. 

So instead of you writing run-on sentences like most copywriters do…

Your sentences will be short, punchy and easy to read.

And instead of boring people to death with your copy (like most ads do)…

Your copy will grab people’s attention from the first line and keep them reading until the end…

This is what great copywriters are able to do.

And if you hand-copy their ads…

Your writing will start to do the same. 

This is why Gary was such an advocate of hand-copying ads every single day.

He believed it was the best way to get good at copy very quickly.

And I have to say he was probably right…

Cause the number of people who have gotten good at copy through hand-copying is staggering…

Dan Ferrari famously did it, and he’s one of the five best copywriters in the world right now…

Ning Li did it, and he’s easily the top copywriter in the cooking space today…

Chris Orzechowski did it, and many people consider him one of the best email copywriters in the game…

So the proof is in the pudding as they say.

Hand copying works.

And it’s why I’ve been telling you all week about a hand-copying program called Copyhour. 

If you’ve never heard of Copyhour it’s a 90-day program that gives you daily prompts and shows you exactly what to hand-copy each day.

All you have to do is follow the prompts…

And hand-copy the ads they give you…

And at the end of 90 days, you’re guaranteed that your copy will be leaps and bounds better than it is right now. 

That’s what the program is about.

It’s very simple.

And brutally effective.

And it’s why Copyhour has launched the careers of some of the highest-paid copywriters today like Dan Ferrari, Ian Stanley, Ning Li, Austin Lee, Randall Pruitt, Jamie Lynch, Chris Orzechowski and many, many more…

So I really can’t recommend the program enough…

And if you’re interested in getting good at writing copy…

Whether that’s because you want to be a highly-paid copywriter…

Or because you have your own business and you want to make more sales…

Or maybe you’re a marketer or media buyer looking to sharpen your copy skills…

If you’re any of those things…

Then Copyhour can help you.

If you simply follow the program…

And you hand-copy everyday…

Day-by-day you’ll notice that your writing will start to grab people’s attention…

It’ll tap into their deepest problems…

And eventually it’ll persuade a good chunk of people to buy whatever it is you’re selling.

That’s what the program is all about.

It’s about compounding your copy skills day after day.

And it flat out works.

But here’s the thing…

As good as Copyhour is…

And as many lives as it’s changed…

One of the best parts about the program is the price.

Cause most programs like Copyhour that train you over 2 or 3 months usually cost upwards of $2500  or $3500.

So they’re not cheap.

But with Copyhour, you won’t pay anything near that.


Cause Derek who runs the program is set on helping as many people as possible to get good at copy…  

So if you join Copyhour today… 

You won’t pay $2500 or $3500…

In fact, you won’t even pay $1000.

If you join today, it’s just $297. 

And you can even break that up into three monthly payments of $99 if you want.

So anyway you look at it, it’s a hell of a deal.

And I highly recommend joining.

However I will warn you…

The sign-up page for Copyhour will be closing this Sunday.

So if you wait too long…

Or you try to sign-up after Sunday, you won’t be able to.

Cause the Copyhour group will officially start on Monday, January 8th.

So if you want to be a part of the group…

You need to sign up before the deadline on Sunday night. 

So if that interests you…

I suggest you head over to the Copyhour page, read all about it, and see if it’s a fit for you.

You can get all the details right here

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.