Last Tuesday, I officially launched my 1000 Buyers A Day course.
And so far 324 people have picked up a copy.
Which is a lot more than I expected…
If you haven’t seen it yet…
I want to show you exactly what you’re getting.
And also show you how you can get a copy of this $2000 course for free.
Here’s the deal…
1000 Buyers A Day is the only blueprint that shows you how to create an offer that can scale to 1000 buyers a day.
I will warn you in advance though…
This is NOT a beginner course.
If you don’t know how to write copy…
Or you know nothing about funnels…
This is NOT the course for you.
This is an intermediate-advanced level course.
It assumes that you understand all of that stuff I mentioned.
So who is this course for then?
Well, a few people…
First, if you’re an offer owner and you have an offer (or multiple offers) that are doing 10-100 buyers per day currently, and you want to scale those babies to 1000 buyers a day, then this will show you how.
Second, if you’re a copywriter who works with clients and wants to get paid more by fixing their offers, upsells etc…, then this will show you how to do that.
That’s really who this is intended for.
Cause the course is all about the little hinges that can take an offer doing 30 buyers a day and skyrocket it to 1000 buyers a day.
That’s what I show you…
And I’ve seen it happen in my own life numerous times.
Like back in 2017 when I helped my buddy Dave Sinick on their Paleo Sweets offer.
This offer was dying a slow death at the time, and they were hitting like 40 buyers a day.
Dave told me if the average-order-value was higher, they’d be able to scale it.
So I got to work on that.
I made a bunch of changes to the first upsell (which I tell you about in the 1000 Buyers A Day course)…
And once they tested the new upsell…
The average-order-value took off.
In fact it increased so much, they were able to scale that offer back up to 1000-1500 buyers a day.
That’s the power of the needle movers I share with you in the 1000 Buyers A Day course…
So if that interests you…
I highly suggest picking up a copy of this $2000 course while I’m still giving it away for FREE.
This free offer is only available for this launch.
And it ENDS tomorrow (Tuesday) at midnight ET.
After that the price goes back up to $2000.
So if you want to snag a copy for free, I suggest you don’t dilly dally.
Here’s the link to get your copy…
-> Get my $2000 course for free