One of the biggest mistakes I see copywriters make is they focus too much on the product, and not enough on making the reader feel understood.
For example…
Let’s say I’m selling a course on how to make money as a copywriter.
And I’m targeting regular peeps with 9-5 jobs.
A lot of newer copywriters would spend most of their time talking about the benefits of the course…
But this is a mistake.
Cause that’s not where the reader’s mind is at.
So where is their mind?
It’s on the fears and frustrations that they’re feeling every single day.
So in order to hit on that, maybe I’ll talk about the hour-long commute they have to sludge through every morning…
Or the torture of sitting in mind-numbing meetings everyday for hours and hours…
Or the feeling of not being in control of their life…
This is what the copy should be about.
Cause that’s what the reader is most in touch with.
It’s the frustrations they experience each day (like the hour-long commute to work)…
Or the worries they feel when they wake up in the morning (like their mounting debt)…
Or the shame they feel when they discover their buddy from highschool is making 3x what they make.
These are the feelings people are in touch with.
And if you can tap into this…
And make them feel UNDERSTOOD…
You will have their attention.
Remember this…
Feeling understood is one of the most primal desires we have as humans.
We want to be seen.
And we want to be understood.
Which is why this is the most powerful thing you can do in copy.
If you make someone feel like you TRULY understand them, then making a sale is a piece of cake.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya today…
Enjoy your Thursday,
– Justin