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The other day I received a message from a newbie copywriter who in his multi-page diatribe mentioned…

“getting good at copy in 2023 seems harder than ever before”

When I read that line, I just had to laugh.


Cause not only is NOT harder than ever before…

It’s literally the EASIEST it’s ever been.

Case in point…

When I got into copy in 2008, there was hardly any information on how to write copy.

Facebook groups were not a thing yet…

Youtube was barely in existence…

And I don’t remember anyone selling a copy course or a copy system I could learn from.

So I basically read old copywriting books I got on Amazon…

And I watched blurry Dan Kennedy tapes from the 90’s…

That’s how I got started.

But nowadays, there’s so much good information out there.

I mean you can literally watch hours and hours of Youtube videos breaking down copy…

You can find thousands of posts in Facebook groups on headlines, hooks and conversions…

You can get entire A to Z copywriting systems with templates and swipes for a few hundred bucks…

You can even get copy coaching from pretty much every good copywriter out there (something that was not really possible 15-20 years ago)…

So the idea that it’s somehow “harder” now-a-days to get good at copy is hilarious.

It’s not harder at all…

In fact, it’s 10x easier. 

The real problem today is that most newbie copywriters simply are NOT self starters.

They’re not scouring Youtube for copy videos…

They’re not studying winning pieces of copy…

They’re not practicing their writing each day…

They’re basically sitting on the sidelines, waiting for someone to help them.

Well guess what?

You’re gonna be waiting a long time if that’s your plan.

Cause no one is gonna come along, motivate you, and push you to get better at copy.

You have to take the initiative…

You have to be a self-starter.

That’s the key.

And if you do that…

You’ll be on your way to getting a whole lot better at copy this year.

But you have to be a self-starter.

So keep that in mind.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.