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Yesterday, the city of Austin put in place new recommendations around social distancing because of the coronavirus.

However they bungled their message…

Instead of using simple words like “stay at home” (a term that everyone understands), they said that they want everyone to “shelter in place”.

Think about that…

When you hear “shelter in place” do you have any idea what that means?

Probably not.

It’s vague.

And flat.

And it could mean a whole slew of things.

However “stay at home” is a lot simpler.

“Stay at home” gets right to the point.

If you asked a 10 year old what “stay at home” means, they’d be able to tell you.

They wouldn’t be able to tell you what “shelter in place” means.

And guess what?

Your average citizen understands things about as well as a 10 year old (that’s not a joke either, that’s the truth).

Which is why the words you use are so important.

They need to be simple.

And easy to understand.

Most politicians don’t get this.

But you should.

Cause if you want to persuade people…

And you want them to buy your stuff…

You have to talk to them in words they understand.

That’s such a simple concept.

But it’s one that we’re seeing politicians screw-up left and right.

You don’t need fancy language.

Or “corporate speak”.

You need words that people understand.

Follow this rule, and you’ll see a lot more moolah in your pocket. 

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Tuesday,

– Justin

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