Here’s a funny story I haven’t shared before…
Back in 2018, my buddy Alec came to Austin to visit me for a week…
And after seeing all the copywriting talk that was going on in my house, he decided to just stay in Austin and learn from me.
Which was fine by me…
I didn’t really have room for him.
My buddy Tanner (copy cub #1) was already sleeping in the back room of my house where my dogs slept.
And that room was maybe 7ftx7ft on a good day.
So there wasn’t a lot of extra space…
However, Alec didn’t let that stop him.
He knew he wanted to get good at copy…
And he knew that being around me everyday would accelerate that…
So what did he do?
He bought a crusty $30 air mattress off Craigslist and threw it in my office.
And then proceeded to sleep on it for nearly a year.
Honestly, I have no idea how he did it.
That thing was so uncomfortable…
And he took so much shit for sleeping on an air mattress.
I remember one girl in particular that he was dating started referring to him as “air mattress guy” in the group texts to all her friends.
Talk about twisting the knife…
I’m sure that was brutal to hear.
But Alec was determined…
So he stuck it out.
Which turned out to be a smart move for him.
Cause he went from barelyscraping by on $2k a month…
To where he’s at now which is regularly having $20k months and writing for some of the biggest DR brands in our space.
So he’s crushing it.
And I’m glad to have played a part in helping him to change his life.
Now you might be wondering why the hell I’m telling you this story about a grown man sleeping on an air mattress.
Well here’s the deal…
I have a pretty good track record of helping copywriters to quickly increase their income.
Whether that’s guys like Alec who lived with me…
Or students I’ve helped online…
Like Lana Sova who went from $2k a month to now having $10k months…
Or Rob Tidwell who went from $5k a month to regularly having $15k months…
Or Tiana Asperjam who got fired from her previous marketing job, and I helped her get to $17k a month as a freelancer.
I’ve probably helped over 100 copywriters to make big leaps like this…
And now I want to help you do the same.
So here’s the deal…
Next week I’m hosting a 3-day online event with Stefan Georgi all about how to double your copywriting income.
So if you’re making $1k a month we’ll show you how to get to at least $2k a month (if not a lot more).
And if you’re making $3k a month we’ll show you how to get to $6k a month.
And if you’re already doing well making $7k, $10k (or more), we’ll show you how to increase that to $20k a month.
We’ll talk about getting retainer clients so you can have a more consistent and predictable income…
We’ll talk about how to make an extra $5k or $10k with performance bonuses…
And a whole lot more…
So that’s the deal.
And if that piques your interest…
I suggest you snag yourself a spot for this 3-day online event we’re holding next week.
Normally we’d charge $1500-$2000 for this type of thing…
But you can save yourself a spot today for just $197.
You can get all the juicy details on the dates, times and how to save your spot at the event right here.
– Justin