Last November, Michael Rochin was unexpectedly fired from his job as a customer service rep.
So his $55,000 income disappeared in an instant.
And with a wife and a 2-year old daughter relying on him, Michael felt like he was letting them down.
“It was a pretty dark time for me. I was the sole provider and I was failing. I couldn’t even afford Christmas gifts for my daughter”
Michael was in a bad place…
But he knew that he needed to make money.
So he was applying for ANY job possible.
Things like customer support…
And doing deliveries for Door Dash…
But he wasn’t getting hired.
He kept getting denied.
So he cut his expenses to the bone, and lived off his small savings for the next few months.
That was until February came around and we had our Copy Accelerator event in Las Vegas.
I remember Michael posting in our Justin & Stefan Talk Copyy group and mentioning that he wanted to come to the event, but he didn’t have the money.
He said he was determined to do anything and everything possible to get the money to go.
His wife thought he was nuts.
“You’re not spending $3000 to go to an event” she said.
But after a few weeks of pleading with her…
Michael finally convinced his wife that this would be the best thing for their family.
So he ponied up the little money that he had for a ticket, and went to the event in Vegas.
However, once he was at the event in Vegas his imposter syndrome flared up so bad that he almost left.
“I tried to leave on the first day before the event even started. I felt like I didn’t belong in that room” he said.
Luckily Stefan found Michael trying to slink out of the room, and pulled him back in.
And over the next 2 days Michael’s eyes were opened to what was possible as a copywriter.
He connected with other writers that were making money he never thought possible.
Copywriters pulling in $20k and $30k a month…
He met business owners like VShred, Natural Health Sherpa, Cody Bramlett and 4Patriots who he talked to about writing copy for them.
“It changed everything for me” he said.
Now what’s even crazier is that as eye opening as the event was for Michael…
On the second day of the event, Stefan pulled me aside and said Michael wanted to sign up for our mastermind.
I was surprised.
“Wait, you mean the guy who could barely afford to be here? How’s he gonna do that?”
It seemed like quite a stretch for me.
But Stefan knew Michael better than I did.
And told me that his copy skills were actually pretty solid already.
“I think if we can get him a few clients in the first month he’s going to do really well” Stefan said.
I was skeptical.
Mostly because I don’t like putting someone who is down to their last penny into a $3k a month coaching program.
But Stefan was adamant that it was the right thing for him.
So I said “ok”.
That was back in the beginning of March that all this went down.
And in the two months since joining the mastermind, Michael has picked up numerous high paying copywriting jobs.
He has a monthly retainer client in the health niche.
As well as multiple clients that he’s working with on a per-project basis.
In fact, last month was his best month ever as copywriter – bringing in $10,000!
Which is an amazing feat in that short of a time frame.
Especially considering where he was just a few prior to this.
Michael’s a great testament to the idea that the best things come out of your darkest times.
So a big congrats to Michael on his success so far.
And for being our Copy Accelerator member of the week.
Both Stefan and I are excited to see you continue to grow this year.
If you want to hear more of Michael’s story, and the big things he’s learned in Copy Accelerator, feel free to watch the interview I just did with him.
It’s posted on Youtube right here