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Back in 2018, I took on a challenge to help a friend of mine who had NO idea what copywriting was, to make money as a copywriter.

So that’s what I did.

His name was Tanner Henkel…

And at the time, he was slaving away at Abercrombie & Fitch folding clothes 6-days a week. 

Which was not fun.

Tanner had the life of a typical retail store employee…

He barely made enough money to get by…

He had no control of his schedule…

And most of his day was spent re-folding the same t-shirt fifty times. 

So needless to say he wasn’t very happy.

And he was itching to get out of there…

This is when I started working with Tanner…

And teaching him how to write email copy. 

Every week I would teach him something different about copy…

Like how to grab the reader’s attention…

Or how to come up with a unique angle for his emails. 

And then Tanner would spend the next few days writing his emails.

At the end of each week, I gave him feedback on the emails he wrote…

And to be honest, he struggled a bit in the beginning.

Mostly because I was teaching him a lot of stuff and it was like drinking from a fire hose.

But within a few months, I noticed that his emails started to improve dramatically.

He was able to come up with interesting hooks that reeled me in…

His copy was short and punchy…

Basically all the stuff I was teaching him started to really sink in. 

And guess what?

All this improvement lead to Tanner landing his first, paying client.

Which was a big deal.

I remember him being shocked that someone was going to pay him to write emails.

It almost didn’t seem real.

But it was…

A guy in the basketball niche paid Tanner $2000 every month to write a daily email for him.

Now $2000 isn’t life-changing money or anything like that…

But it was his first paying gig…

And it gave Tanner a lot of confidence…

That gig showed him that he could do this for a living.

And that everything I had been telling him was REAL.

Like I said, this all happened back in 2018…

And since then Tanner’s career has exploded. 

He’s one of the best email copywriters in the world…

And now-a-days he’s in charge of email copy (and even writes long form copy as well) for the $200 million dollar VShred brand…

So in just a few years…

Tanner went from folding clothes at Abercrombie and not knowing a lick about copy…

To now making $200k-$300k a year as a copywriter. 

Which is pretty awesome. 

And I’m glad to have played a small part in helping him to get there.

Which brings me to the point of this email…

As you can see with Tanner’s story…

There is a proven path to getting good very quickly at copy.

And that path is this…

1.  Learn from someone who’s already a great copywriter

2.  Write everyday

3.  Get feedback on your writing 

This is the exact path Tanner followed.

And simply by following that path, he was making 6-figures as a copywriter within 12 months of starting.

Which is highly unusual BTW…

It took me nearly 6 years to consistently hit 6-figures.

But it took Tanner only a year.


Cause he had someone more experienced showing him exactly what to do (and what not to do).

That’s the key.


If you’re interested in following the same path as Tanner…

Then I want to help you. 


Well, here’s the deal…

Starting the 2nd week of January, Stefan Georgi and I are going to be running an 8-week copywriting mentorship specifically for newer copywriters.

So if you’ve never written copy before…

Or if you’ve only been doing it for a few years…

Then this is for you.

Over the 8 weeks, me, Stefan, and our coaches will teach you everything you need to know to be a highly-paid copywriter.

So you’ll learn how to write ads…


And even long form sales pages…


You’re also gonna get feedback on the copy you write from your coach as well.

Which is huge…

This will help you to see what you’re getting right…

And what you need to work on…

And by the end of the 8 weeks, you’ll be a MUCH better copywriter than you are today. 

So that’s what the 8-week mentorship is all about…

Now, I mentioned yesterday that this type of mentorship doesn’t come cheap.

Stefan and I charge between $17,500-$45,000 to be a part of our Copy Accelerator program.

And at that price we have 260+ people gladly paying us.


Since this mentorship is aimed at newer copywriters…

We wanted to make it more affordable.

So if you’re lucky enough to snag one of the spots in the mentorship, you won’t be paying $17k…

Or $10k…

Or even $2k…

If you get one of the spots, you can be a part of the 8-week mentorship for just $497.

Which is a steal if you ask me.

And frankly we will probably raise the price the next time we do one of these, because it’s too low. 

But this time it’s just $497.

So if that interests you, I suggest you apply for one of the spots in the mentorship.

This is by application only.

You can’t just sign-up.

We want to make sure you’re hungry, dedicated and going to follow through.

So if that’s you, then I think this program will be a game-changer for you.

And it could change your life just like my mentorship did for Tanner. 

So if that piques your interest…

I suggest applying for a spot in the program right here

You’ll see more info on the coaches on the application page…

And the syllabus for the 8-week mentorship is on the page as well…

We will be starting the week of January 10th…

And we will have multiple call times in different time zones, so pretty much everyone can be accomodated no matter what time zone you’re in (more info on call times coming soon).

So that’s the deal…

If you’re interested in making 2022 your year…

And finally becoming a highly-paid copywriter…

Then I suggest you apply for a spot in this 8-week mentorship.

Hope to see ya in there…

-> Apply for the 8-week copy mentorship

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.