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If you write a lot of emails and you struggle to come up with unique ideas to write about…

Or if you wish the emails you wrote would convert better and pull in significantly more sales…

Then I have something you might be interested in.

Next week I’m gonna host a special training called “The 13 Most Profitable Email Hooks Of All Time”.

On the training I’m gonna show you example after example of the most profitable emails I’ve ever written.

Basically what I did was compile all the data I have from the 4300 emails I’ve written over the past ten years (in multiple niches)…

Some of these emails were for physical products…

Some were for affiliate offers…

Others were for courses and coaching…

And once I had that data, I filtered it to see which emails made the most sales.

And low and behold, when I filtered the data some very obvious patterns emerged. 

In fact, out of the 4300 emails I wrote, there were only 13 specific hooks that pulled in the majority of the sales. 

And these 13 hooks didn’t just work in the copywriting niche…

They were proven winners across a wide variety of niches like health, financial, dating, fitness, survival and more…

Basically anywhere the hooks were tested, they worked.

And they worked by a wide margin.

For example…

– the #3 hook I’m going to share with you brought in over 60,000 buyers for a supplement offer in a single year

– the #7 hook I’m going to share with you made 3x more sales than any other email I sent in a recent launch I did

– the #1 hook I’m going to share with you once made over 1100 sales in a single day on a survival offer 

So these hooks are proven to work…

And once you have these hooks in your possession, I guarantee your emails will pull in significantly more sales…

And you’ll also be able to cut your email writing time in half (cause you’ll know exactly what to write).

So it’s a double win.


If you write (or send) a lot of emails…

This will be up your alley.

I’ll have more info on this training coming your way tomorrow.

So be on the lookout for an email from me tomorrow morning.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.