Laurie, I could use your help on something…
My biz partner, Stefan Georgi, and I just met up yesterday at my house in Austin…
And we outlined a big, hairy, audacious goal to start putting out a bunch of NEW courses to help you improve your copy, make more sales and ultimately make more moolah.
We have a long list of course ideas…
And we’re struggling to cut our list down to the top 2 or 3 that we know you’d want to see.
So here’s what I need from you…
I made a list of all the courses we’re thinking of creating (you can see it here).
All I need from you is to simply go to that link and click either “yes” or “no” on each course.
Basically would you be interested in that course or not.
It should take you about 2 minutes to do this…
And I’d truly appreciate your insight on this…
Cause your input will help us to make courses that we know you really want.
You can see the list of all the courses (and vote on your favorites) right here.
– Justin