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As of now, 49 business owners are coming to the event looking to hire copywriters

This is a message I just got from our CMO.

Pretty amazing.

49 different businesses are attending the Copy Accelerator event next week and actively looking to hire copywriters. 

And what’s even cooler, is that the majority of these business owners are hiring for multiple positions…

For example, one of the biz owners is looking for…

– 2 junior copywriters for a full time in-house gig

– 1 experienced freelance copywriter to work on long form front-end offers

– 3 freelance copywriters to work on direct mail promotions

So that’s 6 different copy jobs that just ONE company is hiring for. 

And they’re looking to fill each of those roles at the Copy Accelerator event.

Pretty cool if you ask me.

But also not surprising.

We’ve put a TON of effort into getting business owners who need copywriters to this event (both in person and virtually).

So there will be biz owners hiring from damn near every niche out there.

I’m talking about…



Personal Development…



Biz Opp/Marketing…



And a whole lot more…

So it’s gonna be a smorgasbord of copy jobs up for grabs.

However, those jobs are only available if you get a ticket for the event.

They won’t be published anywhere publicly.

And people at the event are not allowed to share them.

They’re solely for the people with a ticket to the event.

So if connecting with some of these business owners who are looking to hire copywriters interests you…

I suggest snagging a ticket to the event before the end of the day today.

Cause we are officially cutting off all ticket sales at midnight tonight.

So if you want to attend the event…

And you haven’t pulled the trigger yet…

Today is your last day to apply for one of the remaining seats.

You can attend either in person (in Tampa)…

Or virtually from your home…

Either way you’ll get connected to these business owners…

And you’ll probably walk out of the event with a copy gig or two. 

So if that floats your boat…

You can get all the info about the event, and get yourself a spot at the link below…

-> Copy Accelerator 2022

Hope to see ya there…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.