Yesterday I told you a little bit about the 85/15 investing strategy I use that will make me over a million dollars this year.
I’m gonna dig deeper into that today…
Specifically I want to show you what I actually do with my money once I make it.
Which is super important.
Cause if you just put your money in a bank account, you’re not gonna get wealthy.
So here’s what I do…
I basically have 3 “buckets” that I put my money in.
Here’s what the 3 buckets look like…
1. ———-
2. Investing into my business
3. Investing in my 85/15 style portfolio
So one of the buckets is simply investing money into my business (with an expected ROI from it).
Another is putting money into my 85/15 portfolio.
And while both of these investments do really well for me…
They’re still not my #1 investment.
In fact, my #1 investment has had a bigger ROI than both of these combined.
In one case, it had an 88x return in just three years.
And it has nothing to do with Bitcoin, day-trading or any other risky investment.
It’s about as safe as can be.
Now I’d love to tell you all about this investment today…
But as much as I want to…
It’ll have to wait.
Because it’s part of the talk I’m giving at Ian Stanley’s “Almost Passive Income” event in a few weeks.
I’ll be speaking on day 2 of the event.
And during my talk I’ll be breaking down exactly what I do with my money once I make it.
I’ll show you exactly how I became a multi-millionaire…
And what I’ve done to double my net worth in the last few years.
I can tell you from experience that knowing how to GROW your money once you make it is a big “missing puzzle piece” for a lot of copywriters and offer owners in our industry.
Most people figure out how to make money…
But that only goes so far.
Once you know how to make money, you gotta figure out how to grow it and multiply it.
That’s how you get rich.
And I’ll admit, this is something I used to know NOTHING about.
I was the idiot who just put my money in a bank account and let it sit there (a big thank you to my Ohio roots for this notion of “investing”)
So it took me a while, but eventually I figured it out.
And if you want to learn exactly what I do with my money…
And see the simple “3 bucket” system I use to multiply my money…
I suggest you snag a ticket to Ian’s “Almost Passive Income” event in a few weeks.
You can attend the event in person (in Boise) or virtually.
I’ll be there in person.
So feel free to come say hello to me if you come.
Tickets for these kinds of events are usually like $1500 or more.
But Ian is only charging $300 for this.
Which is crazy.
So if you don’t have a ticket yet, I suggest you grab one while they’re still available.
I truly believe this event will change the way you think about money…
And get you on the path to making the kind of money you really want to make.
So if that piques your interest…
I suggest you snag a ticket while they’re still available.
You can get all the details on the event, and grab your ticket right here.
Hope to see ya there…
– Justin