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Something I’m focused on these days is prioritizing “living life” instead of just working 12 hours a day.


Cause I’ve done it the other way.

And while you can make a lot of dough working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week…

You can also suck all the enjoyment out of life.

Case in point…

Back in 2016 I had my best year ever financially….

I think I pulled in $2.2 million that year…

At the time, I had an offer that was bringing in 500-1000 buyers a day (Patriot Power Greens)…

My business was on pace to do $23 million in revenue that year…

So things were going well…

And from the outside, it probably looked like I was living the dream…


I can tell ya, my personal life wasn’t much of a dream.


Cause I was working 12-14 hour days like a maniac.

I never took a day off.

Normal things like going to the gym or dating got pushed aside. 

And if my friends wanted to hang out and go to a baseball game, I’d tell them I was too busy…

And I’d stay home and work.

That was my life.

And like I said…

Financially it may have been a good year…

But if that’s your only metric of success…

You’re probably not gonna be happy. 

Cause what if you’re miserable from working 12 hours a day?

What if you dread getting up in the morning?

What if your marriage is falling apart?

What if your kids never get any quality time with you?

Is that still a successful year?

I would argue it’s not.

Cause while you may be thriving in one area…

You’re failing miserably in the others.

And that’s no way to go through life.

So my advice?

Make sure your “metric” for success isn’t just about money.

Yes, money is important…

And there’s nothing wrong with money being your main driver…

But if you want a life that you actually enjoy…

Then your metric for success needs to be about all the things in life that matter to YOU (i.e. money, freedom, family, health, connection etc…).

So keep that in mind…

And enjoy your Thursday…

– Justin

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