Take a look at this piece of paper…

On this paper is a simple, 1-page exercise that has helped me to…
– make money easier than ever before
– get rid of my writer’s block
– erase my procrastination with starting new businesses
– remove the imposter syndrome I felt all my life
– and much, much more…
The cool thing is this 1-page exercise only takes 20-30 minutes to do…
And if you use it just once a week…
It’ll help you get rid of (or severely lessen) any mental “blocks” that are holding you back in life.
I know that’s a big promise.
And frankly, it sounded far-fetched when I first heard it.
But after using this exercise for the past six years for myself…
This exercise has changed my life more than ayahuasca, Tony Robbins, Landmark, NLP, meditation, cold plunges and traditional therapy combined.
And that’s no bullshit.
Every area of my life has gotten better because of this exercise.
For example…
– I find it easier to make money these days. This is due to using this exercise to work through some “money blocks” I had (things like “rich people are assholes” and “there’s never enough money”) After working on those blocks, I find making money to be easier than before
– I don’t have writer’s block like I used to. I used to think my writing had to be perfect. So I would agonize over every single word. And it would take my hours to write a simple email. After using this 1-page exercise to correct some of my “perfectionist” tendencies, I now write freely (and much more openly) than ever before
– I work less and enjoy life more. I used to feel guilty if I wasn’t working, so I would work all the time. After using this exercise to correct my feelings about work, I’ve been able to find more balance, to take time off, and to take vacations for the first time in years (without feeling guilty about it)
– I am more attractive to women. Due to my shitty relationship with my mom I used to be your typical people-pleaser with women. I was basically a doormat with women when I was younger. So I did a LOT of corrections around women, and because of that, now I’m much better at leading with women, setting boundaries, and allowing them to see who I am, which has made me a hell of a lot more attractive
– I’m a better mentor and coach. This is a big one. I would not be able to do what I’m doing now had I not done corrections. The corrections have helped me be more compassionate and more understanding than I ever was before. And that’s made a huge impact on me as a coach when I work with copywriters and marketers
– I write better copy now than I ever have. The biggest difference here is I have access to more of my emotions than I used to. This is because of the corrections I’ve done. As a copywriter you need to be in touch with your emotions. I’m still not a whiz-bang at this by any means, but my writing today is so much better than it was just a few years ago
– I have no problem putting myself out there and going after what I want. This was a big change for me. I used to always be in the background, and I stayed behind the scenes. After doing some corrections, I care a lot less what other people think, which has made me much more comfortable putting myself out there and going after what I want
– I see my own worth for the first time. This is without a doubt the best thing that came from the corrections I’ve done. It’s hard for people to believe but growing up I felt like a “worthless piece of shit”. I had no self esteem. No confidence. I always felt like an imposter. And that carried over into my adult life. So even though I was successful, and even though I was making money… I was riddled with insecurities. But after doing corrections, I no longer feel like that. I’m much more solid inside. I’m confident in who I am. And I see my own worth for the first time in my life. And to me that’s a feeling that you can’t put a price on.
I could go on and on with this…
But you get the point.
This 1-page exercise (called a “Correction”) has changed my life.
If you’ve been on my list for a while, then you have heard me talk about corrections, and the man behind the corrections.
His name is Brent Charleton…
(Here’s a pic of me and Brent).

Brent actually came up with this method when he was a therapist to fix his own problems…
And after many years of tweaking the method…
And using it with clients…
He now has it down to a simple, repeatable method that anyone can use in just 20-30 minutes.
And the reason his it works so well for everyone that uses it is because…
Unlike most self-help solutions that work on your problems at a surface level…
Brent’s method works at the root cause of your problems.
So if you have “blocks” around making money…
Or procrastination…
Or fear of failure…
Or imposter syndrome…
His method will get to the root of why you have the block (which is usually something from your childhood and how you were raised)…
And then once you know the root of the block…
You simply follow Brent’s 1-page template…
And it will help you remove that block (or at the very least severely reduce it).
This is why the method is so effective.
It’s because it’s not working at a surface level…
It gets to the root of your “blocks”…
And helps you to quickly get rid of them.
This is why I’ve been a private client of Brent’s for the last six years…
And it’s also why some of the biggest names in direct response also work with him like…
Dan Ferrari, Ian Stanley, Cole Gordon, Jason Capital, Tanner Henkel, Alec Rosa, Henry Bingaman, Peter Tzemis, Nick Daniel, Mike Abramov and more…
His method flat out works.
And I can’t recommend him enough…
And that is why I’m writing to you today…
Here’s the deal…
Up until last year Brent pretty much only worked with private clients…
And the current cost to be a private client is $125k a year…
So it’s insanely expensive to work with him…
And frankly 99% of people can’t afford it.
As a result of this…
I bugged him for years to put his method into a course…
That way he could help more people…
And get his method into more hands…
It took a lot of nudging…
And repeated reminders…
But eventually he sat down…
Filmed everything…
And distilled his method into a single course called the “Corrections Course”.
And having gone through the course multiple times myself…
I can tell you it’s the exact same method I use with him as a private client.
But you get access to it for a tiny fraction of his $125k a year fee.
Which is pretty sweet.
Now, maybe that interests you…
Maybe it doesn’t…
But if it does…
Then I suggest you take a peek at his Corrections Course today.
Cause as of this morning, Brent is officially opening the doors on his Corrections Course for the first time in 2024.
So if you want to learn his method…
And you want to get rid of the mental blocks holding you back in regards to…
– making more money
– starting your own business
– writer’s block
– feeling like an imposter
– and more…
Then this is for you…
I can’t recommend this course enough.
As I said before, the $280k I spent working with Brent is the best money I’ve ever spent in my life.
And that’s not an exaggeration.
There’s a reason I continue to pay him gobs of money each and every year…
It’s because his methods work.
So on a personal level, I really hope you grab his course…
And I hope you use it to get rid of the crap that’s holding you back.
If you pick up Brent’s course through my link…
I’m going to give you a cool little bonus for supporting me.
You’re going to get access to a special 1-day consulting session with me after the launch is over.
In the consulting session, you’ll be able to ask me any questions you have about copywriting, business, money, your career, starting a business and more…
The consulting will be done over Zoom.
So there’s no travel required, or anything like that…
But you’ll get direct access to me to ask me anything your little heart desires…
So that’s the deal…
As I said before…
Today is the first day Brent’s “Corrections Course” is open for enrollment in 2024…
So if you’re interested in getting rid of the mental blocks that are holding you back in regards to…
Making more money…
Starting your own business…
Writer’s block…
Feeling like an imposter…
And a whole lot more…
Then this is for you.
You can check out Brent’s course and get all the details about it right here.
– Justin