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Most people think you need to be a big, well-known guru to build an email list…

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Case in point…

There’s a guy in the golf niche right now (Brixton)  who has over 347,000 people on his email list.


That’s a big list.

And that list makes him a lot of dough…

But here’s the thing…

Brixton isn’t some well known golfer…

And he doesn’t have a huge following on Instagram or TikTok…

He’s just a normal dude.

And less than two years ago he was still working a 9-5 job in software sales.

Yet, he was able to build a highly profitable email list for himself.

Same goes for my pal Caleb Lee in the gun niche…

Caleb has a 190,000 person list of people who love reading about guns and self protection (and he makes a pretty penny selling his list affiliate offers around how to protect themselves)…

I’ll give ya another example…

My friend Jonathan Boyd has a big list of 80,000 people in the “learn to play guitar” niche.

Last I heard, he was making $40k+ per month from his list…

And traveling the world while he did it…

So as you can see…

These guys are all doing well with their email lists.

But they’re not well known gurus…

Or influencers with a big following…

They’re just normal guys.

Yet they were still able to all build highly profitable email lists. 

This is the beauty of an email list.

You don’t have to be famous…

Or have credentials…

You can sit at home and build a list without anyone knowing who you are.

That’s what I did in 2010 when I built my first list in the fitness space (and nobody knew who I was)…

And it’s what I did when I built my second list in the anti-aging space in 2014…

I did it all as an unknown.

Now maybe that appeals to you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

But if it does…

I highly suggest you check this out.

Cause on that page…

I’m going to show you how to start from scratch and build your own highly profitable email list.

I’ll show you how to set-up your opt-in page…

And even how to get your first 100 subscribers using free traffic sources…


If you already have a list…

I’m also going to show you how to put your list building on steroids using my buddy Mike Geary’s advanced “piggybacking” method.

This is something Mike has been doing for about eight months now…

And he’s currently adding nearly 6000 new people to his email list each day with it.

Which is nuts.

So whether you want to build your first email list from scratch… 

Or you simply want to add more people to your current list…

I’ll show you how to do all of it right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.