A few months back I was listening to Caleb O’Dowd talk about how a simple change in the positioning of his offer took it from a massive bomb to a bonafide winner.
Here’s the story…
If you don’t know Caleb, he sells courses in the biz-op space (teaching people how to make money online)
And one of the biggest frustrations the buyers in this niche have is the complexity of the tech.
They need to run FB ads…
Setup an email list…
Use Clickfunnels to put up a sales page…
Then they need tracking for it all.
So it’s a lot of shit.
And your average Joe who wants to make some “side money” isn’t interested in doing all this.
So Caleb had an idea…
“what if I taught them how to run a business running newspaper ads so they don’t have to deal with any of the complicated tech online?”
Basically Caleb had already built a successful business off of newspaper ads in the supplement space…
And he said that compared to an online offer, it was incredibly simple to setup…
So he figured his list would eat it up.
But when he eventually released his “newspaper profits” course, all he heard was “crickets”…
No one was interested…
Nobody was buying…
Which was surprising.
He thought he was giving people what they wanted.
But being the smart marketer that Caleb is, he simply went back to the drawing board and changed the positioning of his offer.
So instead of positioning it as a “newspaper ad” business…
He switched the positioning to a “6-figure supplement business”.
So he focused on touting the benefits of selling supplements…
And how they’re easy to sell…
And how you can white-label a product in a week…
So he stopped talking about the newspaper aspect completely…
And talked about the supplement business.
Well guess what happened when he did that?
It was a huge hit.
The sales came pouring in.
To be clear, the course he was selling was literally the exact same thing as before…
Only this time, the positioning on it was about supplements and not newspaper ads.
Which proves David Ogilvy’s age-old motto that “the most important decision in advertising is figuring out the positioning of a product”.
Caleb’s offer was proof of this.
Once he got the positioning right, it was a big winner (and it ran on webinars for over a year).
So the big takeaway here is simple…
The positioning of your offer can make or break your sales.
So it’s worth thinking about…
And seeing if you have the right positioning…
Make sense?
I hope so…
Cause that’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Wednesday,
– Justin