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In almost every business there’s usually ONE thing that will really move the needle and give you a huge ROI.

For example…

Earlier this summer, I realized that the size of my email list was a major bottleneck in my business.

My list was only 3000 people at the time.

And if I wanted to continue to get new people to our events and new people joining Copy Accelerator, then I needed more people on my list.

My theory was that if I simply did everything else the same, but my list was 10,000 people instead of 3000, I’d see some significant growth.

So that’s exactly what I focused on these last few  months.

Growing my list.

And in order to do that, I wrote a free report called the “Direct Response Millionaire Blueprint”.

Which is a 26-page breakdown of how I went from being broke to being a multi-millionaire through copywriting and creating offers.

I shared the report with a few friends to see if they would promote it.

And they all enthusiastically said “yes”.

Some of these friends I simply paid a flat fee for promoting it…

Others I did a CPL deal (cost per lead)…

All-in-all it went really well.

Cause over the last few months, my email list has grown from about 3000 people to nearly 7500 people.

Which is awesome…

I doubled the size of my list in just a few months.

But whats even better is the noticeable ROI I’ve gotten.

I ran the numbers and out of the new people on my list, 15 of them  bought tickets to our last event in September…

Furthermore, 9 of the new people have joined our coaching program, Copy Accelerator LITE.

So overall growing my list has been a big win.

And that kind of goes back to my point at the beginning of this email.

There’s almost always ONE thing you should be focusing on that will move the needle for you more than anything else. 

For me that was getting more people on my email list.

And simply by focusing on that…

And making it a priority…

I was able to enroll more people into Copy Accelerator (which was my end-goal).  

So my advice?

Find the ONE thing in your biz that will really move the needle for you.

And stay focused on that.

This is a very simple idea…

But it’s one that can have a huge ROI if you simply do it and you follow through on it.

Alright that’s all I got for ya this morning.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin


If you’re a copywriter the ONE thing you should focus on is writing everyday and getting feedback on your writing.

This is the “secret” to becoming an A-lister.

If you’re serious about getting feedback on your copy, then give this a look and see if it’s a fit for you…


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.